From: VANDEHEY Maggie

Sent: Mon Aug 12 11:02:14 2013

To: THOMPSON Michele

Cc: CURTIS Andrea

Subject: FW: RM-SP: Monthly Status

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image007.png; image005.jpg; image006.jpg;



As I said in my earlier email, not having the SharePoint site reflect our current work is becoming problematic. We need a sub site active today and it looks like you are out of the office. Instead we are going to use the following sub site that you will need to rename …

¨ From LRAPA - 2008 Open Burning To Incorporate LRAPA rules into SIP

I’ve updated the outstanding work order below.

1. AQ Rulemaking

a. Change name of sub sites

¨ From ACDP Fee Increase To ACDP Fee Increase – temporary

¨ From Diesel Grants To Diesel Grants – temporary

¨ From Clean Fuels Fee Establishment To Clean Fuels Cleanup

¨ From LRAPA - 2008 Open Burning To Incorporate LRAPA rules into SIP

b. Add new sub sites:

¨ ACDP Fee Increase – permanent

c. Delete sub sites

¨ LRAPA - 2008 Industrial Streamlining

¨ LRAPA – PM2.5 and GHG

¨ LRAPA - 2010 Industrial Streamlining

¨ Clean Fuels Program - 2012

2. WQ Rulemaking

a. Change rule writer on UIC Program

¨ From Paula Calvert, Columbia River Coordinator, 503-229-5101

To Derek Sandoz, UIC Program Coordinator, 503-229-5099

b. Delete sub site

¨ 401 Certification Fee Emergency Rule

¨ Nonpoint Source

3. LQ Rulemaking

Delete sub site

¨ F-Listing of Demilitarized Residue

4 HOME | Monthly Status

¨ Please align list with sub sites or lets come up with an easier to maintain method. Sometimes the dropdown list for the Rulemaking Title doesn’t include all the rules. I think Elle had to make sure she added these when she added or changed rulemaking sub-sites. It was always consistent. If this is a task you can delegate to me, I’m OK with it.


¨ Delete dates earlier than 8/21/2013 from list.


¨ Capture a different method for select activities




New method that uses Radio/selection boxes and captures the following elements for Reporting Month Activity & Upcoming Month Activity

No activity

PLANNING - preliminary research

PLANNING - policy development

WORK - Start rulemaking

WORK - Draft rules

WORK - Internal reviews

FEE - Fee analysis

FEE - DAS submittal complete


ADVISORY COMMITTEE - work complete

NOTICE - public comment period open

NOTICE - public comment period closed

NOTICE - information meeting

NOTICE - with hearing

NOTICE - without hearing

EQC - Director’s Dialog

EQC - information item

EQC - rule adoption meeting

¨ EQC and EMT narratives are rarely used. Instead add one narrative space and the following.




¨ 4. Eliminate links

5. HOME | Libraries

¨ Add new library named “First Thursday”

¨ Rename Annual Plan to ‘Plan and Review”

¨ Delete 5-year Review

6. HOME | Lists

¨ Delete Responsibilities

¨ Rename Learning Tools to “Tools”

7. HOME | Discussions | Process Improvement

¨ Develop a method to have topic discussions under the following static categories:


2-Advisory Committee

3-Fee Approval


5-EQC Preparation

6-Public Comment and Testimony

7-Post EQC

Thank you.

Maggie Vandehey |EIM |Sr. Operations and Policy Analyst

Department of Environmental Quality | 34000

811 SW Sixth Ave., Portland, OR 97204-1390 |

503.229.6878 | In OR 800.452-4011 | 6 503.229.6730