From: Robbye Lanier
Sent: Wed Jul 24 11:44:43 2013
To: CURTIS Andrea
Subject: RE: Templates for Rulemaking
Importance: Normal
Max has them on his calendar to begin tomorrow. I let him know it was a very different style and offered to input the information from the old forms. As of now, he is going to input the information from the old forms and update them with the needed information as he goes. He has not looked at them yet so we may have questions tomorrow.
In short, we are good for now and at this point he is planning to update them himself.
I appreciate the work that went into the templates and look forward to seeing how it goes from the LRAPA standpoint.
Thanks for checking in with us!
From: CURTIS Andrea []
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2013 11:36 AM
To: Robbye Lanier
Subject: RE: Templates for Rulemaking
Robbye, I’m not sure what role you’ll have with Max on completing the rule templates. Do you want talk about them or are you good for now?
From: Max Hueftle []
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2013 4:55 PM
To: CURTIS Andrea; Robbye Lanier
Cc: OLIPHANT Margaret
Subject: RE: Templates for Rulemaking
Thanks for the detailed schedule with dates to get this done. I will have time on my schedule to begin working on this starting Thursday (7/25) and the days that follow up until 7/31. If I have drafts and/or any questions before 7/31, I will let you know.
Max Hueftle, P.E.
Permit Section Manager
Lane Regional Air Protection Agency
541-736-1056, x. 231
From: CURTIS Andrea []
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2013 3:38 PM
To: Max Hueftle; Robbye Lanier
Cc: OLIPHANT Margaret
Subject: Templates for Rulemaking
Max and Robbye,
I know we all look forward to wrapping up the four LRAPA rulemakings J Let’s talk next week about the templates and schedule. Attached are the two templates that we now use for rulemaking public notice: Invitation to Comment and Notice. The content is the same as what we used for previous rulemakings, but we revised the layout and consolidated forms.
We’d propose three packages: open burning, PM2.5/GHG; and permit streamlining. Below is the schedule that will allow us to propose each rule package for adoption at the December 2013 EQC meeting. We must open the public comment period 9/13/2013 to go to EQC in December.
Now through 7/31: LRAPA drafts rule package using attached templates. During that time, keep constant dialogue with DEQ (Andrea) to discuss the templates, answer questions and help ensure the fiscal analysis will be approved by DEQ’s budget manager.
7/31 LRAPA provides DEQ and EPA the draft of each rule package for review
8/6 DEQ and EPA provide LRAPA with feedback
8/12 LRAPA provides DEQ and EPA updated rule package that addresses feedback
8/14 If new or revised fees are involved, this is the deadline to submit fee request to DAS – let’s talk about any rules with new fees
8/15 DEQ submits package to Division Administrator (Andy G) for review and approval
8/23 Division Administrator review is due
8/23 – 9/6 DEQ and LRAPA address feedback from Division Administrator and obtain final approval to publish package
8/30 DEQ submits final package to EPA
9/13 DEQ submits approved package to Secretary of State; issues notice to interested parties and stakeholders. Comment period begins.
10/15 Hearing
10/18 Comment deadline
I’ll follow up with the schedule following the comment deadline.
Andrea Curtis
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
Air Quality Division