From: CURTIS Andrea
Sent: Wed Jun 26 11:21:06 2013
To: 'Robbye Lanier'
Subject: RE: LRAPA Rules Packets - 2008 Industrial Streamlining rulemaking
Importance: Normal
Attachments: CertificateOfNotice.docx;; Industrial Streamlining Public Comment 8-27-2008.pdf; Attachment B5 Interested party memo.pdf; 2011-05-04_LRAPA.Summary.of.Procedures.pdf;; Hi Robbye, For the 2008 Industrial Streamlining rulemaking, I have some questions and need a few documents so far. Let’s chat on the phone about any of these that aren’t straightforward. Answers and documents will help us determine if DEQ needs to renotice the rulemaking before proposing it to EQC for adoption. Part A. Questions · The attached file “Attachment B5…” - What date, how and who was this notice sent to? This is related to part B below too. · The attached file “Industrial…” - It looks like there are multiple notices here. What date, how and who was each part of this notice sent to? This is related to part B below too. · The attached file “2011-05-04_Letter…” . It mentions: o Public Notice for Rule workshop November 19, 2008 – I don’t seem to have a copy of this. · The attached file “2011-05-04_LRAPA…” . It mentions: o the LRAPA advisory committee – Is this the same as the LRAPA Board? o EPA comments from August 10, 2007 – I can’t find copies of these comments in the files we received from LRAPA. What document are they in? Can you send them? o Affidavits of publication for the Beacon, Sentinel, and Dead Mountain Echo – I can’t fine copies of these comments in the files we received from LRAPA. I have an affidavit only for the Register Guard. If an ad was published in these three newspapers, please send the affidavits of publication. Part B. Here’s a list of the documents we need, thus far: · A statement from LRAPA that documents the outreach performed at the onset of the public comment period. I attached an example statement that DEQ uses called “Certificate of Notice”. The statement would need to include attachments: o The letter mailed to permit holders, stakeholders and interested parties announcing the proposal o The mailing address list for the letter o The email messages sent to permit holders, stakeholders and interested parties announcing the proposal o The emailing address list for the message I’ll summarize questions for the other rulemakings in separate emails. Thanks! Andrea Curtis Oregon Department of Environmental Quality Air Quality Division 503-229-5946 From: Robbye Lanier [] Sent: Monday, June 24, 2013 10:35 AM To: CURTIS Andrea Subject: RE: LRAPA Rules Packets Andrea- These rules packets were handled over a period that included changing from primarily paper mail-outs to primarily email-outs. We do send notice to our stakeholders which include permit holders. We did at the time of the rulemaking send out notice for each of the rulemaking packets. I can forward that documentation if that is what you are requesting for each packet. Thanks- Robbye From: CURTIS Andrea [] Sent: Monday, June 24, 2013 10:30 AM To: Robbye Lanier Subject: RE: LRAPA Rules Packets Robbye, Does LRAPA send notice of the rulemakings to stakeholders? To permit holders? By mail? By email? I see a document that is the official Notice for each of the rulemaking comment periods and hearings; however, I don’t see documentation of who LRAPA sent the Notice to. Andrea From: Robbye Lanier [] Sent: Monday, June 24, 2013 10:12 AM To: CURTIS Andrea Subject: LRAPA Rules Packets Good morning, Andrea- I am just checking in with you regarding the LRAPA rules packets. You mentioned contacting me last week about documents needed for LRAPA rulemaking packets sent to DEQ in May 2011. Please let me know anything that might be missing. Merlyn Hough (LRAPA Director) met Paul Garrahan (Assistant Attorney-in-Charge – Natural Resource Section) at the recent EQC meeting who stated he is reviewing some LRAPA rulemaking packets. Thanks and have a great Monday! Regards- Robbye Lanier - Environmental Technician LRAPA 1010 Main Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-736-1056 ext. 214 541-726-1205 (fax)