From: Robbye Lanier

Sent: Mon May 20 09:55:47 2013

To: CURTIS Andrea


Subject: RE: fiscal analysis

Importance: Normal

Attachments: Title 47 - Open Burning - needfiscal.doc; Industrial Streamlining Rulemaking 2008 - needfiscal impact.doc; Industrial Streamlining Corrections 2010 - needfiscal statement.doc; PM2.5-GHG-NSR 2011 - needfiscal.doc;



For 3 of the 4 rulemakings: 2008 Streamlining, 2010 Streamlining Corrections, and 2011 GHG/PM2.5/NSR – Max Hueftle would be the person to contact.

For the 2008 Open burning, there is no staff here that worked on that rulemaking anymore. Merlyn Hough would be the best contact.

Attached are the most current fiscal statements done in January 2013 jointly with LRAPA and DEQ, but as far as I know never signed by the budget office person at DEQ.

My understanding is that we relied on DEQ evaluations done for a similar rulemaking for the 2008/2010 streamlinings and followed that same lead on the 2011 GHG/PM2.5. We had the LRAPA Citizens Advisory Committee look at the rulemakings overall – not specifically just the fiscal impacts but it was part of their consideration.

Let me know what documentation you need and I will get it to you. We have meeting minutes and notes for the Board and Advisory Committee.



From: CURTIS Andrea []

Sent: Monday, May 20, 2013 9:35 AM

To: Robbye Lanier

Subject: fiscal analysis


On the four LRAPA rules that DEQ is taking to the Environmental Quality Commission later this year, do you know who I should talk to at LRAPA for more information about fiscal impacts?

DEQ is preparing a “Fiscal and Economic Impact Statement” for each rulemaking. We’d like background on the fiscal analysis that LRAPA performed for each of the rulemakings, supplemental and supporting documentation of LRAPA’s fiscal analysis, and information on the fiscal advisory committees LRAPA used for any of the rulemakings.


Andrea Curtis

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality

Air Quality Division
