From: Garrahan Paul

Sent: Thu May 09 11:46:06 2013

To: CURTIS Andrea

Cc: VANDEHEY Maggie; OLIPHANT Margaret

Subject: Rule Notice LRAPA open burning pg redline

Importance: Normal

Attachments: JUSTICE-#4203420-v1-Rule_Notice_LRAPA_open_burning_pg_redline.docx;


Andrea: Attached are my suggested edits and comments on the notice for approval of LRAPA’s 2008 open burning rules. I think this still needs quite a bit of work to get it ready. In particular, I don’t think this yet sufficiently addresses the fact that it has been five years since LRAPA adopted these rules. I think that issue needs to be addressed especially in describing fiscal impact and notice/comment. Let me know if you would like me to take another look at it once you get it a little more refined.

Paul Garrahan

Assistant Attorney-in-Charge, Natural Resources Section

Oregon Department of Justice

971-673-1943 (Portland Office; T, Th & F)

503-947-4593 (Salem Office; M & W)



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