From: Garrahan Paul
Sent: Wed May 08 13:26:54 2013
To: CURTIS Andrea
Subject: RE: LRAPA rules status w/ DOJ
Importance: Normal
Andrea: Will do. Sorry about the delay. What is my deadline for this review, please?
Paul Garrahan
Assistant Attorney-in-Charge, Natural Resources Section
Oregon Department of Justice
971-673-1943 (Portland Office; T, Th & F)
503-947-4593 (Salem Office; M & W)
From: CURTIS Andrea []
Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2013 5:20 PM
Subject: RE: LRAPA rules status w/ DOJ
Please send your comments and suggestions to me on the LRAPA documents. The request in Maggie’s March 1st email is still pending. The notice did not go out. She asked you to “make sure my translation did not deviate.” I verified that the documents in Maggie’s March 1 email have not been updated since then.
About staffing changes -- I’m taking over the LRAPA rules. I’m the Air Quality Division rules coordinator. Maggie is still the agency-wide rules coordinator, and when you worked with Maggie on the LRAPA rules in March, she was filling-in for my position, which was vacant.
Andrea Curtis
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
Air Quality Division
From: Garrahan Paul []
Sent: Friday, May 03, 2013 4:50 PM
To: CURTIS Andrea
Subject: LRAPA rules status w/ DOJ
Andrea: Here’s the correspondence I had with Maggie Vandehey on the LRAPA rules. So are you now taking over for her on this, or is she still involved in some different role (sorry, I don’t always follow all of DEQ’s staffing changes).
In reviewing this, I realized that I never responded to her March 1 email request. Is that request still pending, or did a notice go out? I would have comments and suggestions on that, if they would still be timely. (Note that I’m sometimes less than perfect on my responses—NEVER hesitate to remind me if you have something pending and you haven’t heard from me. I would prefer an extra reminder to having something slip off my radar.)
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