From: OLIPHANT Margaret
Sent: Fri May 03 15:45:27 2013
To: CURTIS Andrea
Subject: FW: RM-LRAPA Open Burning: DRAFT Notice
Importance: Normal
Attachments: PROPOSED.OARs-4.01.docx; LRAPA.TITLES.docx; NOTICE.AboutTheProposal-4.01.docx; From: VANDEHEY Maggie Sent: Friday, March 01, 2013 11:33 AM To: Garrahan Paul; OLIPHANT Margaret; CALDERA Stephanie Subject: RM-LRAPA Open Burning: DRAFT Notice Hi, We’ll be having 4 separate rulemakings for the LRAPA rules though some activities may be combined – hearing, announcement, mailing list. Some of the language in the attached NOTICE.AboutTheProposal for the 2008 Open Burning rules will move into the other three LRAPA rules. I would like us to be on the same page before I do this and before we send it to LRAPA to provide the missing pieces. Please remember, this is the NOTICE but sections from the Notice.AboutTheProposal will migrate to the EQC staff report and that means we want to get it right now. Paul, thank you for your input. Please make sure my translation did not deviate. Margaret, please make sure this meets your intent. I am not confident that OAR 340-0200-0040 is the only rule involved. Also, this rulemaking changed the meaning of the LRAPA acronym and that may affect other rules or agreements. Stephanie, would you please do a plain English and style-guide review on this before I start copying it to the other LAPA rules? Margaret and Stephanie, would you work in SharePoint rather than in the attachments? Thank you. Maggie Vandehey | Sr. Operations and Policy Analyst Department of Environmental Quality | 34000 811 SW Sixth Ave., Portland,, OR 97204-1390 | ( 503.229-6878 | In OR: 800.452-4011 | 6 503.229.6730