From: OLIPHANT Margaret

Sent: Fri May 03 08:56:35 2013

To: CURTIS Andrea

Subject: FW: 4 bundled Packets

Importance: Normal

Attachments: Request SOS Publication fo Notice - Oregon Bulletin January 2008.pdf; 2008 Streamlining - Signed Statement of Need and Fiscal and Economic Impact.pdf; 2008 Streamlining - Signed Proposed Rulemaking Announcment.pdf; ISC 2010 - Fiscal Need Statement - signed.pdf; NotProposed Rulemaking ISC - 2010.pdf; pm2.5 Statement of FIscal Need - Signed dated.pdf; Notice of Porposed Rulemaking GHG-PM2.5 - 2011.pdf;


From: Robbye Lanier []

Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 11:03 AM

To: OLIPHANT Margaret

Subject: FW: 4 bundled Packets

From: Robbye Lanier

Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2013 11:22 AM

To: 'VICK Nicole R.'

Subject: RE: 4 bundled Packets

Ok – my responses are in orange.

From: VICK Nicole R. []

Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2013 10:58 AM

To: Robbye Lanier

Subject: RE: 4 bundled Packets

Hi, Robbye-

Please see my responses below:

From: Robbye Lanier []

Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2013 10:27 AM

To: VICK Nicole R.

Subject: 4 bundled Packets

Good morning, Miss Nicole:

Is it my understanding that we are going to shoot for March 1 for the Oregon Bulletin SOS submissions, so we will need to have everything complete and ready by February 15? That’s the very latest cut off time. Let’s plan before that though. How about 02/08? Works for me.

For the adoption of the packets, LRAPA submitted the information to the SOS for the 2008 Open Burning, 2008 Streamlining, 2010 Streamlining and the 2011 GHG/NSR/PM2.5. (all of them) Adoption or notice? J Did you guys submit to SOS or to us to submit to SOS? Just so I understand….We submitted to SOS directly. – see attached. Would have to dig for the paperwork on the 2008 OB but the memo shows we submitted the notice.

I plan to set the 30 day comment period from March 1- March 30. That will give us some time to respond to any comments or set a hearing if requested before EQC submissions are due. Please let me know when that date is set and where that meeting will take place. If the June EQC meeting will be June 5-6 – PROPOSED NOT FINALIZED YET – then the approximate cutoff date will be April 26. I’d also like to set that cutoff time before that by a week to April 18th (April 19th is a furlough day). Works for me.

I plan to have the newspaper ad in the Register Guard March 1 as well. Sounds good. J

Please let me know of anything else that should be looked at prior to February 15. All documentation was included with the 4 packets in May 2011 to DEQ but some of the paperwork has now been updated from that submission. I am working on an announcement for our website so DEQ can link to that and it will have all the rules available to review in redline and clean format. I will also link the EQC documents and comment and responses. Please look at the SIP spreadsheet that Justin, you and I use for the comments I inserted there for anything else we need. Not all were entirely complete for the final package. We do need to finalize the language for the govdelivery blast and rulemaking announcement. In terms of the other documents, I’ll have to re-familiarize myself with my own comments on that spreadsheet but I have some critical deadlines for the next few days. I will bring this back into light next week. Ok will do. I understand and wanted to follow-up while it was fresh.

I appreciate your help and look forward to getting these on Public Notice next month. I appreciate your help on this, Robbye! We’ll get there. Also, I haven’t heard back from Jim Roys yet, but I did from our legal counsel. I think once we can have that conversation, it will be clear cut who does what and when. More to come on that….. Sounds great and thanks again!

Thanks- J


Robbye Lanier - Environmental Technician


1010 Main Street

Springfield, OR 97477

541-736-1056 ext. 214

541-726-1205 (fax)