From: OLIPHANT Margaret
Sent: Fri May 03 08:55:41 2013
To: CURTIS Andrea
Subject: FW: LRAPA Stmt of Fiscal/Economic Impact for rulemakings
Importance: Normal
Attachments: Title 47 - Open Burning - needfiscal.doc; Industrial Streamlining Rulemaking 2008 - needfiscal impact.doc; Industrial Streamlining Corrections 2010 - needfiscal statement.doc; PM2.5-GHG-NSR 2011 - needfiscal.doc; -----Original Message----- From: Robbye Lanier [] Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 11:01 AM To: OLIPHANT Margaret Subject: FW: LRAPA Stmt of Fiscal/Economic Impact for rulemakings -----Original Message----- From: VICK Nicole R. [] Sent: Monday, January 14, 2013 3:25 PM To: WILLIAMS Robin G Cc: INAHARA Jill; DOWNING Kevin; Robbye Lanier Subject: LRAPA Stmt of Fiscal/Economic Impact for rulemakings Hi, Robin- Thanks for looking these over. Here's a quick overview: * 2008 Open burning - minor rulemaking that mostly impacts residential open burning * 2008 Industrial Streamlining - major streamlining event that mirrored AQ's streamlining (SPPIT I and SPPIT II) rulemakings * 2010 Industrial Streamlining - cleanup of the 2008 effort * 2011 PM2.5/GHG and NSR/PSD - the FIS and info mirror our rulemaking adopted in April 2011. Some of the forms have different formats. However, we do perform online filings now, so Maggie takes sections and inserts into the SOS online system and I made sure each FIS has those categories. Robbye from LRAPA took the forms from SOS website and since DEQ is changing the rulemaking process, Maggie is familiar with the oddities. Thanks, again, Robin! Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks! Nicole