From: OLIPHANT Margaret

Sent: Fri May 03 08:54:17 2013

To: CURTIS Andrea

Subject: FW: Bundled LRAPA Stringency Review Letters from DEQ

Importance: Normal

Attachments: Hearing' s Officer Report 2010 Industrial Streamlining Corrections.docx;


From: Max Hueftle []

Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2013 2:57 PM

To: Robbye Lanier; OLIPHANT Margaret

Cc: HOUGH Merlyn; VICK Nicole R.

Subject: RE: Bundled LRAPA Stringency Review Letters from DEQ

Robbye and Margaret:

LRAPA did not have DEQ or EPA review the 2010 streamlining corrections since they essentially corrected typographical errors and expanded our ability to permit small sources (sources not permitted by DEQ). Attached a hearings officer’s report I drafted in May 2010 for the EQC (that was never used) that may be helpful in reviewing the rulemaking actions including that there were no public comments.

Thanks for all of your help getting these approved.



From: Robbye Lanier

Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2013 2:49 PM

To: OLIPHANT Margaret

Cc: Max Hueftle; Merlyn Hough; VICK Nicole R.

Subject: RE: Bundled LRAPA Stringency Review Letters from DEQ


We are looking for that. It was corrections of 2008 Rulemaking for Industrial Streamlining so I will look through the paperwork to see what I can find for that and email it over.



From: OLIPHANT Margaret []

Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2013 2:45 PM

To: Robbye Lanier

Cc: Max Hueftle; Merlyn Hough; VICK Nicole R.

Subject: RE: Bundled LRAPA Stringency Review Letters from DEQ

Robbye, Do you have any documentation of a stringency review on your 2010 industrial streamlining rules?



From: Robbye Lanier []

Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2013 2:36 PM

To: OLIPHANT Margaret

Cc: HUEFTLE Max; HOUGH Merlyn; VICK Nicole R.

Subject: Bundled LRAPA Stringency Review Letters from DEQ


Attached are the DEQ stringency review letters.

There are 3 letters since the 2010 Industrial Streamlining Corrections (ISC) was essentially corrections to the 2008 Industrial Streamlining Rulemaking (ISR). I can look for another letter if it is needed as we worked with DEQ and EPA along the way and we may have one. Just let me know.



Robbye Lanier - Environmental Technician


1010 Main Street

Springfield, OR 97477

541-736-1056 ext. 214

541-726-1205 (fax)