From: CURTIS Andrea

Sent: Wed Nov 27 15:13:50 2013


Subject: RM-DeslGrnt Next Steps due Dec. 6

Importance: Normal



Here are next steps for your rulemaking, due December 5. Let’s chat when you get back from vacation.

1. Please let me know if you approve:

o I’d like to change the open comment date from Friday, December 13 to Tuesday, December 17. Why? Because it will be difficult to get everything posted on the web by December 13. Going to December 17th will give web staff adequate time.

o I updated your rule caption from Clean Diesel Grant Program – Alignment with Federal Rules to Align Diesel Grant Program with Federal Guidelines.

2. Please update the following documents on your SharePoint site. I uploaded the versions we used for the temporary rule.

o GovDelivery message

o Newspaper Ad

o Webpage

o Legislator email

3. Send me Margaret’s approval of the Legislator email.

4. Send me Uri’s approval of the other material (GovDelivery, Ad, Webpage). Include this info in Uri’s approval email:

o Newspaper: Oregonian

o Date: Run once on December 17, 2013

o Qtime: (Kevin, Insert the Qtime code to charge)

o Rulemaking: Align Diesel Grant Program with Federal Guidelines

5. I added the Proposed Rules document to your SharePoint site. Please make sure its correct. I thought your temporary rules added authorizing statutes; however, in our package to EQC, these weren’t shown in redline/strikeout. If we’re adding the statutes, please change the document so that the added statutes are in redline.


Andrea Curtis

Air Quality Division - Rules Coordinator

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
