From: VANDEHEY Maggie
Sent: Wed Dec 11 17:04:53 2013
Subject: RE: RM-DslGrntL Notice
Importance: Normal
Attachments: image001.gif; Maggie – er Kevin— I’ll submit in the morning. Thank you! Maggie Rules – We can work with that. From: DOWNING Kevin Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2013 5:03 PM To: VANDEHEY Maggie Cc: GARTENBAUM Andrea Subject: RE: RM-DslGrntL Notice Maggie, I have made the changes to the rule as we discussed and accepted or slightly modified suggested changes to the Notice and Invitation to Comment documents. These are now saved on the Sharepoint site. Kevin 503.229.6549 Clean Diesel - We Can Live With That From: VANDEHEY Maggie Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2013 2:31 PM To: DOWNING Kevin Cc: GARTENBAUM Andrea Subject: RM-DslGrntL Notice Kevin— Thank you for providing sufficient time for the OCO review of the notice documents. I’ve completed my review, which included the OCO review, of the Invitation to Comment, Notice and rules are complete. Link Let me know if you have any questions and when you have completed them. Some comments are style guide but others are suggestions – for example the suggestion in the Rule. Let me know when you are done; I would like to submit notice to SOS tomorrow, or today. Maggie Vandehey Department of Environmental Quality | 34000 811 SW Sixth Ave., Portland, OR 97204-1390 | 503.229.6878 | In OR 800.452-4011 | 6 503.229.6730