From: Garrahan Paul

Sent: Tue Nov 12 12:20:17 2013


Subject: RE: DESLGRNTP - Public Notice rulemaking documents for permanent clean diesel grant rule

Importance: Normal


Kevin: These look good. I have just two minor suggestions. First, on the notice document, add the word “rules” at the end of the sentence in the first section, so that it reads:

Short summary

DEQ proposes minor changes to the clean diesel grant and loan program rules.

Second, on the invitation to comment document, correct the Senate Bill number to 249 (it currently is “240”).

Otherwise, these are good to go from my perspective.

Paul Garrahan

Assistant Attorney-in-Charge, Natural Resources Section

Oregon Department of Justice

971-673-1943 (Portland Office; T, Th & F)

503-947-4593 (Salem Office; M & W)

From: DOWNING Kevin []

Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2013 4:43 PM


Subject: RM: DESLGRNTP - Public Notice rulemaking documents for permanent clean diesel grant rule


Please take a look at these public notice documents for the proposed permanent adoption of the rule for the diesel grant program. These are substantially similar to the temporary documents produced earlier but modified to serve the needs of the public notice. Comments received from you by November 13th are very appreciated. Thank you.

Kevin Downing

Oregon DEQ

811 SW 6th Ave

Portland, Oregon 97204


503.229.5675 fax

Clean Diesel - We Can Live With That



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