From: DEQ Online Subscriptions
Sent: Wed Dec 18 11:00:02 2013
To: STEVENS-SCHWENGER Joanie; DANAB Marcia; KNIGHT William; GARTENBAUM Andrea; THOMPSON Michele; HAMMAN Patricia; WIND Cory Ann; ARMITAGE Sarah; DOWNING Kevin; CAPP Carrie Ann; WHITE Brian; SVELUND Greg; BROWN Trina
Subject: Courtesy Copy: Proposed Rules to Align Diesel Grant Program with Federal Guidelines
Importance: Normal
This is a courtesy copy of an email bulletin sent by Andrea Gartenbaum. This bulletin was sent to the following groups of people: Subscribers of Diesel and Biodiesel, Fleet Forward, Rulemaking, Truck Efficiency/Reduced Idling (14866 recipients)
Proposed Rules to Align Diesel Grant Program with Federal Guidelines DEQ is proposing rules that would allow DEQ to administer clean diesel grant projects that meet federal funding criteria. Since 2007 Oregon’s Clean Diesel Initiative has managed grants under statutory guidelines focusing on funding for exhaust retrofits, non-road engine repowers and truck scrapping to reduce diesel engine emissions. Federal grant rules allow for a broader range of funding activities, including idle reduction technologies and vehicle replacement. SB 249, adopted by the 2013 Oregon Legislature and signed into law in April 2013, authorizes DEQ to apply for and administer federal grants under the more comprehensive federal guidelines. DEQ will hold a public hearing on the proposed rule change on Jan. 16, 2014 at 5 p.m. in room EQC-A on the tenth floor at DEQ’s headquarters office, 811 SW 6th Ave., Portland, OR 97204. Oral and written comments will be accepted at the hearing. Written comments may also be submitted anytime to DEQ’s headquarters at the above address or by the online comment form at the web link provided below, but must be received no later than 5 p.m. on Jan. 21, 2014. Click here for more information. SUBSCRIBER SERVICES: |