From: ROOT Jenny

Sent: Fri Aug 09 17:12:24 2013

To: CURTIS Andrea

Subject: RE: Typos

Importance: Normal


Yeah, the onsite folks did some editing after we got our arm twisted to include their fee increase in with our div 11 revisions. I’ll go back now and do a final check on the Notice. Thanks for catching those, Andrea! I hope you have a good week next week and will be checking in to make sure everything is ready to go.


From: CURTIS Andrea

Sent: Friday, August 09, 2013 4:39 PM

To: ROOT Jenny

Subject: Typos


Please make sure Spell Check occurred in the Notice document. There were typos in the Invitation to Comment because Spell Check in Word was not turned on. I fixed those typos on SharePoint.

Andrea Curtis

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality

Air Quality Division
