From: MAKICHEN Mary-Frances

Sent: Fri Aug 09 16:41:36 2013

To: CALDERA Stephanie; CURTIS Andrea

Cc: ROOT Jenny

Subject: RE: Division 12 rulemaking

Importance: Normal


Hi Andrea,

You have access to all three lists on GovDelivery—I just checked. Let me know if there’s any problem.



Public Affairs Specialist / Web Strategy

Oregon DEQ

phone: 503-229-5059

From: CALDERA Stephanie

Sent: Friday, August 09, 2013 3:54 PM

To: CURTIS Andrea; MAKICHEN Mary-Frances

Cc: ROOT Jenny

Subject: RE: Division 12 rulemaking

Hi Andrea,

I only have access to my (EQC) GovDelivery list. I am certainly happy to help draft the content of the emails, but I can’t actually do the login and sending of the email to those lists since I don’t have permissions as a list administrator.

Mary-Frances – Is this something you or Michele would do (actual sending), or do you know who the list owner is for the ones below, so we can make sure they are aware?


- Stephanie

From: CURTIS Andrea

Sent: Friday, August 09, 2013 3:48 PM

To: CALDERA Stephanie

Cc: ROOT Jenny

Subject: FW: Division 12 rulemaking


Do you have access to these GovDelivery groups?

· Air Quality Permits

· Title V Permit Program Public

· Import List for Traacs

Jenny tells me you’re doing the GovDelivery of the Division 12 rulemaking on August 15. We’d like to notify people in the AQ permitting realm. This comes from Uri Papish’s decision, forwarded below.

You’ll send the message to the Rulemaking group, right? Would you include Air Quality Permits and Title V Permit Program Public with that message?

The group Import List for Traacs also needs to be notified of the rulemaking; however, it’s a special group and I’d like to talk to you about it.



From: PAPISH Uri

Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2013 11:54 AM

To: CURTIS Andrea

Subject: RE: Division 12 rulemaking

Yes, I think both.

From: CURTIS Andrea

Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2013 10:31 AM


Subject: Division 12 rulemaking


I’m helping Jenny with outreach for the division 12 rulemaking. Since it changes civil penalties, it’s a SIP update. When we open the comment period, would you like us to notify AQ permit holders and/or email the public who subscribe for updates in the permit program?

Andrea Curtis

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality

Air Quality Division
