From: ROOT Jenny

Sent: Fri Aug 09 17:31:57 2013


Cc: CARLOUGH Les; NESBIT Deborah; CALDERA Stephanie; CURTIS Andrea

Subject: Div 11 and 12 Rulemaking

Importance: Normal


Hi Maggie:

This is just an update on where OCE is at with our rulemaking. As you know, our rulemaking packet is scheduled to be out on public notice beginning Thursday, August 15th . I am going to be on vacation next week (although will check-in to see how things are going on the rulemaking). Since I’ll be out, please contact Les Carlough if you have any questions. You can reach him at x5422.

Here’s where we’re at:

· We obtained DOJ review and comments from Larry K.

· Finished our “preview” period (without any comments)

· Notified and sent the rule packet to EPA on August 1st (SIP requirement)

· Received the preliminary review of the fiscal from Budget and are just now waiting on the final sign-off, which we anticipate receiving shortly.

· Worked with OCO to prepare and place a newspaper advertisement (SIP requirement) and have notified Andrea Curtis of that as well.

· Have the GovDelivery lists that the programs have requested we notify in addition to the agency rulemaking list. There is also an AQ “interested persons” list of about 400 people that we will have to mail notices to as we do not have that list on GovDelivery nor do we have email addresses for them.

Next Steps:

· Stephanie Caldera and Andrea Curtis have agreed to help us with the GovDelivery lists. We need to send our notification out via GovDelivery on the 15th, plus send mail to the other AQ interested persons list.

· Email the legislators listed in the Notice and our advisory committee members.

If there is anything else we need to do, please let Les know ASAP.


Jenny Root

Environmental Law Specialist

Oregon Dept. of Environmental Quality
