From: DEQ Online Subscriptions

Sent: Thu Aug 15 14:38:49 2013

To: CURTIS Andrea

Subject: Courtesy Copy: Proposed Updates to the Oregon Civil Penalty Rules

Importance: Normal


This is a courtesy copy of an email bulletin sent by Andrea Curtis.

This bulletin was sent to the following groups of people:

Subscribers of Rulemaking (5670 recipients)


Oregon DEQ is proposing that the Environmental Quality Commission adopt rules to implement 2009 Oregon legislation that increased DEQ’s civil penalty statutory maximums. These amendments, if adopted, will be submitted to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for approval and as a revision to Oregon’s state implementation plan, a requirement of the Clean Air Act. DEQ is also making minor changes to reflect DEQ’s current environmental programs’ enforcement priorities, and to provide a means to recover costs for fulfilling public records requests in the onsite septic system program.

DEQ will hold a public hearing on the proposed rule changes on Sept.17, 2013 at 2 p.m. in room EQC-A on the tenth floor at DEQ’s Headquarters Office, 811 SW 6th Ave., Portland, Ore. Oral and written comments will be accepted at the hearing.

For copies of the proposed rule package contact DEQ’s Office of Compliance and Enforcement located at 811 SW 6th Ave. in Portland, Ore. or call Jenny Root at 503-229-5874. Copies are also available on the DEQ website at: Written comments may be submitted anytime to the above address or via email to but must be received no later than 5 p.m. on Sept. 20, 2013.


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