From: OLIPHANT Margaret

Sent: Tue Jul 30 10:52:27 2013

To: CURTIS Andrea

Subject: RE: RM:Division 12 - Notice to Legislators

Importance: Normal


Looks correct. Thanks

From: CURTIS Andrea

Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2013 10:51 AM

To: OLIPHANT Margaret

Subject: RM:Division 12 - Notice to Legislators


Jenny Root is planning to notify the following legislators about the proposed rulemaking to increase civil penalties. I thought you’d like to know the plan.

· Jackie Dingfelder, Chair, Environment and Natural Resources Committee

· Alan Olsen, Vice-Chair, Environment and Natural Resources Committee

· Jules Bailey, Chair, Energy and Environment Committee

· Deborah Boone, Vice-Chair, Energy and Environment Committee

· Mark Johnson, Vice-Chair, Energy and Environment Committee

· Chris Edwards, Co-Chair, Ways & Means, Subcommittee on Natural Resources

· Ben Unger, Co-Chair, Ways & Means, Subcommittee on Natural Resources

I’m not coordinating the rulemaking, but am making sure it meets SIP public notice requirements.

Andrea Curtis

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality

Air Quality Division
