From: CURTIS Andrea
Sent: Tue Jun 25 16:06:54 2013
To: ROOT Jenny
Subject: FW: Division 12 rulemaking - notification to permit holders and interested parties
Importance: Normal
Attachments: Title V fee letter 9-20-10.pdf;; Jenny, Uri wants all AQ permit holders and interested parties to be notified about the Division 12 rulemaking public comment period. Since I’ve done this before for AQ rulemakings, I can explain how this works and can help a bit. Would you let me know if this sounds like a good approach? Also, what date we would issue the notice? July 20? This would ensure notice is issued at least 30 days before the hearing, which is a requirement. AQ permit holders · There are about 6,000 AQ permit holders. We have an email address for most of them; however, we’ll need to mail a letter or postcard to the rest. · I’m creating a mailing list and email list of permit holders for another rulemaking now. We can use the lists I create. We’d insert the addresses into the letter/postcard by Mail Merge in Word. · You’ll need to draft the letter/postcard and email message explaining how the rulemaking affects permit holders. Attached are example letters we drafted for other rulemakings. Please include language such as: The amendments, if adopted, will be submitted to the US Environmental Protection Agency for approval and as a revision to the State Implementation Plan, which is a requirement of the Clean Air Act. Upload the letter/postcard/email to the SharePoint site for the Division 12 rulemaking. · The AQ Regional Management Team will likely want to review and approve the messages before they’re sent. · I can send the email message through GovDelivery to permit holders. · You’d need to print and mail the letter/postcard or get someone in the mailroom to help. The mailroom has cardstock and a cutting machine to make postcards. Interested parties We need to announce the rulemaking through GovDelivery to the group “Air Quality Permits”. The group includes anyone who subscribed to receive updates about the Air Quality Permit program. You’ll need someone in OCO to send a GovDelivery announcement to the group “Rulemaking”. That person could also send the announcement to the group “Air Quality Permits” and any appropriate WQ or LQ groups related to permitting. Please include language such as: The amendments, if adopted, will be submitted to the US Environmental Protection Agency for approval and as a revision to the State Implementation Plan, which is a requirement of the Clean Air Act. We need to maintain a record for all of this outreach, including a Certificate of Notice, copies of the letters and emails, and the names/addresses they were sent to. Thanks, Andrea From: PAPISH Uri Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2013 11:54 AM To: CURTIS Andrea Subject: RE: Division 12 rulemaking Yes, I think both. From: CURTIS Andrea Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2013 10:31 AM To: PAPISH Uri Subject: Division 12 rulemaking Uri, I’m helping Jenny with outreach for the division 12 rulemaking. Since it changes civil penalties, it’s a SIP update. When we open the comment period, would you like us to notify AQ permit holders and/or email the public who subscribe for updates in the permit program? Andrea Curtis Oregon Department of Environmental Quality Air Quality Division 503-229-5946