From: ROOT Jenny

Sent: Thu May 23 09:27:04 2013

To: CURTIS Andrea

Subject: RE: Fiscal review by Budget Office

Importance: Normal



This is very helpful. Thank you so much!


From: CURTIS Andrea

Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 9:25 AM

To: ROOT Jenny

Subject: Fiscal review by Budget Office


fyi - I think this applies to you too. See my email below to another rule writer about getting the rulemaking’s Fiscal Analysis through the Budget Office.


From: CURTIS Andrea

Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2013 4:11 PM

To: COLLIER David; CAPP Carrie Ann


Subject: Fiscal review by Budget Office -- Infrastructure SIP

Carrie Ann and David,

On getting approval of fiscal analysis by the Budget Office ---

I spoke with Jim Roys, manager of the Budget Office, about the timing of the Infrastructure SIP rulemaking. We need approval of our fiscal analysis from Robin Williams and Jim Roys before we send rulemaking materials to the Secretary of State in mid-July for public notice.

Jim will be out of office from mid-June to mid-July. Jim told me there won’t be time for him to review and approve drafts of the fiscal statements after he returns July 9 - he wants us to give him the final versions for his approval July 9. Jim recommends that each rule writer send him the draft fiscal analysis and seek to understand all of his questions, comments and concerns about the fiscal analysis before he leaves in mid-June.

Here are the recommendations to make this happen:

· In the next few days, Carrie Ann drafts the Notice (focusing on the fiscal analysis portion), and sends the Notice to Robin Williams for review. Provide Robin the entire Notice to give her context about the rulemaking. Robin is a team member for our Air Quality rulemakings; she screens the fiscal analysis in the Notice before it goes to Jim.

· Carrie Ann addresses Robin’s comments and revises the materials. (Possibly consults with David? David and Carrie Ann can talk about this)

· Before June 12, Carrie Ann sends the draft Notice to Jim Roys for review. I recommend scheduling review time on Jim’s calendar now.

· Also before June 12, Carrie Ann meets with Jim to discuss the fiscal analysis and ensure we completely understand all of Jim’s questions, comments and concerns. This will help ensure the fiscal is in great shape and ready for Jim’s final approval July 9. I recommend scheduling a meeting with Jim now.

Please let me know if you have questions or other ideas to help facilitate this approval by the budget office.

Andrea Curtis

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality

Air Quality Division
