Oregon Records Management Solution

FW: Invitation to participate in fiscal review of rulemaking


''Tuesday, July 16, 2019 at 11:56:55 AM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' Rule Caption: Corrections and Clarifications to Toxics Water Quality Standards Adm. Order No.: DEQ 17-2013 Filed with Sec. of State: 12-23-2013 Certified to be Effective: 4-18-14 Notice Publication Date: 9-1-2013 Rules Amended: 340-041-0033 Subject: The EQC amended water quality standards rules for toxic substances to correct and clarify the standards. Revisions to water quality standards require EPA approval before the revisions become effective for Clean Water Act programs. The rules include the following: Correct several toxic pollutant criteria that EPA recently disapproved and address other minor revisions to the Toxic Substances rule. EPA disapproved criteria for 11 pesticides based on potentially conflicting information in regards to how the frequency and duration components of these criteria are expressed. DEQ expects that clarifying this aspect of the criteria will lead to EPA approval of 36 pesticide criteria values associated with 11 pesticides. Correct an error in the expression of freshwater selenium criteria. Re-propose freshwater and saltwater arsenic criteria and chromium VI saltwater criteria that were inadvertently left off the criteria table during a 2007 rulemaking. Correct typographical errors made during the 2011 Human Health Toxics Rulemaking. Move all effective aquatic life criteria from Tables 20, 33A, and 33B into a new aquatic life criteria table, Table 30, and to refer to the new table in the Toxic Substances rule language. As a result, Tables 20, 33A, and 33B are no longer needed and would be repealed under this proposal. Delete aluminum from Table 30 to reflect EPA’s disapproval of the freshwater criteria for aluminum because the disapproval renders the criteria ineffective and there are no other criteria for aluminum. DEQ anticipates adopting revised freshwater criteria for aluminum in a future rulemaking process.