From: OregonCleanFuels

Sent: Fri Oct 11 08:20:18 2013

To: 'Donald Kalkman'

Cc: WIND Cory Ann

Subject: RE: Proposed changes to the Oregon Clean Fuels Program

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image001.gif; image003.gif;



Yes and no. The process I am going through now is a temporary rulemaking with a shortened timeframe so I can get rules adopted by the end of the year. This is so they can be in effect as you prepare to submit the first report due at the end of April 2014. However, the temporary rule has to be adopted permanently and that process includes a formal public comment period with an anticipated adoption date of June 2014, so you’ll get another crack at it. Let me know if you have any additional questions and thanks for taking a look at the rules for me.

Cory-Ann Wind

Air Quality Planner


From: Donald Kalkman []

Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2013 5:31 PM

To: OregonCleanFuels

Subject: RE: Proposed changes to the Oregon Clean Fuels Program


I am still reading thru docs.

I don’t have any comments, but want to finish & review one more time to be sure

It is speak now or forever hold my peace, so I better git’r done


Donald L. Kalkman

Manager, Compliance Reporting

D: 952-828-7001

F: 952-828-5552



Western Petroleum Company _ 9531 West 78th Street, Eden Prairie, MN 55344 _ 952-941-9090 _ 800-972-3835 _

From: OregonCleanFuels []

Sent: Monday, October 07, 2013 12:52 PM

To: WIND Cory Ann

Subject: FW: Proposed changes to the Oregon Clean Fuels Program

Dear Registered Party,

This is just a reminder that you have until 5:00 pm on Friday, October 11th to send me your feedback on the proposed rules.

Note: The initial e-mail below went to just the primary contacts listed when you submitted your registration applications. This e-mail includes the secondary and other contacts in addition to the primary contacts.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions.

Cory-Ann Wind

Air Quality Planner


From: OregonCleanFuels

Sent: Monday, September 30, 2013 3:01 PM

To: WIND Cory Ann


Subject: Proposed changes to the Oregon Clean Fuels Program

Dear Registered Party,

Thank you all for your participation as DEQ completes the registration process and continues to develop the recordkeeping and reporting tools for the Oregon Clean Fuels program. Working with you has helped me identify what works and what doesn’t and what needs improvement. Based on information gathered so far, DEQ is proposing some modifications that include:

· Clarify definitions

· Make the rules consistent with the recordkeeping and reporting tools

· Update the look-up tables

· Focus the administrative requirements to the most critical parts of the program

The current plan is for the modifications to be proposed at the Environmental Quality Commission’s meeting in December 2013 through a temporary rulemaking, so that they can be in place prior to the first annual report due date of April 30, 2014. A permanent rulemaking would follow at the June 2014 meeting. The objective of the rulemaking is to eliminate unnecessary requirements and reduce the burden on smaller businesses participating in the program.

Attached to this e-mail are a factsheet that provides the context and process for the proposed changes and the redline-strikethrough version of the draft rules. Please contact me at or 503-229-5388 if you have any questions. If you have any feedback, please do so by 5:00 pm Friday, October 11, 2013.

Cory-Ann Wind

Air Quality Planner


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