From: Gina Grey
Sent: Tue Oct 08 10:42:26 2013
To: WIND Cory Ann
Cc: Frank Holmes; Daniel Sinks (; COLLIER David
Subject: RE: Proposed Changes to OR Clean Fuels Program
Importance: Normal
Thanks Cory-Ann. Now we’re clear. Hadn’t picked up on the temporary vs permanent dictinction.
Gina D. Grey
Phone 480-595-7121
From: WIND Cory Ann []
Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2013 10:38 AM
To: Gina Grey
Cc: Frank Holmes; Daniel Sinks (; COLLIER David; WIND Cory Ann
Subject: RE: Proposed Changes to OR Clean Fuels Program
Hi, Gina.
For the proposed draft rules that I sent out last week to the registered parties, I will take feedback until 5:00 pm on Friday, October 11th.
Since this is a temporary rulemaking action, you probably know that there is no public notice requirement. But I felt it was important to get feedback from the regulated parties directly affected by this proposed rule, so I made sure this opportunity was included in my rulemaking schedule. In addition, you probably also know that any temporary rulemaking needs to be followed by permanent rulemaking, and that process includes a formal public comment period. That action is tentatively proposed for June 2014.
Let me know if you have additional questions.
Cory-Ann Wind
Air Quality Planner
From: Gina Grey []
Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2013 10:20 AM
To: WIND Cory Ann
Cc: Frank Holmes; Daniel Sinks (
Subject: Proposed Changes to OR Clean Fuels Program
Cory-Ann: Your recent notice and proposed revisions to the CF Program do not appear to specify a deadline for submittal of comments. The review period ends Oct 11 but it’s unclear if this is the deadline or something later. Can you please clarify? Thx
Gina D. Grey
Vice President, Strategic Policy, Fuels, Southwest and Hawaii Regions
Western States Petroleum Association
Phone 480-595-7121
Cell 602-315-5713
Fax 480-595-7131