From: KUCINSKI Michael
Sent: Wed Oct 03 11:53:58 2012
To: TROX Randall
Subject: FW: Onsite rulemaking legislative notice
Importance: Normal
Attachments: DEQ On-Site Rulemaking Notice; Sorry – I forgot to include the attachment… From: HAYES-GORMAN Linda Sent: Friday, September 28, 2012 9:07 AM To: KUCINSKI Michael Subject: RE: Onsite rulemaking legislative notice I didn’t catch it needed a return receipt. From: KUCINSKI Michael Sent: Friday, September 28, 2012 8:52 AM To: HAYES-GORMAN Linda Subject: FW: Onsite rulemaking legislative notice Hi Linda, If you already sent the notices, you can delete this email. If not, thought that this email chain between Keith and I might be helpful. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks! Mike From: KUCINSKI Michael Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2012 3:20 PM To: ANDERSEN Keith Subject: RE: Onsite rulemaking legislative notice Since it needs to be sent with a return receipt, it should probably go out separately. Mike From: ANDERSEN Keith Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2012 3:18 PM To: KUCINSKI Michael Subject: RE: Onsite rulemaking legislative notice OK, thanks. I will get this out. Can I send the same email to both, or does it need to go in a separate email? Keith Andersen Western Region Administrator Oregon Department of Environmental Quality 165 E. 7th Street Eugene, OR 97401 541.687.7355 (direct) 503.983.2378 (mobile) From: KUCINSKI Michael Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2012 3:17 PM To: ANDERSEN Keith Subject: RE: Onsite rulemaking legislative notice It is the ways and means committee chairs who heard this budget bill last session. The letter should be changed to email – that was a mistake. Mike From: ANDERSEN Keith Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2012 3:15 PM To: KUCINSKI Michael Subject: RE: Onsite rulemaking legislative notice Thanks Mike. I will get this out this afternoon. Two questions: Why these specific legislators and why are we calling this email a letter? Keith Andersen Western Region Administrator Oregon Department of Environmental Quality 165 E. 7th Street Eugene, OR 97401 541.687.7355 (direct) 503.983.2378 (mobile) From: KUCINSKI Michael Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2012 3:05 PM To: ANDERSEN Keith Subject: FW: Onsite rulemaking legislative notice Keith, Please let me know if you need any help on this or if you have any questions. Thanks, Mike From: TROX Randall Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2012 8:57 AM To: HAYES-GORMAN Linda; ANDERSEN Keith Cc: KUCINSKI Michael; VANDEHEY Maggie Subject: RE: Onsite rulemaking legislative notice Hello Linda & Keith, The rulemaking is live and these should go out today, must go out by tomorrow. Also need to be sent with return receipt option (open options at top of screen and click on ‘request a delivery rec’t’ and ‘request a read receipt’ to verify the messages have been delivered. Those need to be sent to me and kept as part of the rulemaking record. Body of email is below in red. Questions? Please ask. We are meeting with county agents this morning and I am pretty free this afternoon until 3:45. Randy From: HAYES-GORMAN Linda Sent: Monday, September 24, 2012 5:55 PM To: TROX Randall; ANDERSEN Keith Subject: RE: Onsite rulemaking legislative notice I can do that – I guess the talking points are basically what you have below? From: TROX Randall Sent: Monday, September 24, 2012 11:58 AM To: ANDERSEN Keith; HAYES-GORMAN Linda Subject: Onsite rulemaking legislative notice Hello, We have a rulemaking announcement that will go out before the end of this week, ideally no later than Thursday. Legislative emails need to be sent to Senator Chris Edwards (Eugene), Representative Terry Beyer (Springfield), and Representative Bob Jenson (Pendleton), since they were the chairs of the Ways & Means Natural Resources subcommittee. Seems the protocol is regional DA’s notify the respective legislators. Are you able to do that this week? Body of email drafted by me and edited by Karen Tarnow looks exactly like this: This letter complies with ORS 183.335(15)(a), requiring notice of a proposed Department of Environmental Quality rulemaking. DEQ is proposing changes to its septic system regulations. The proposed changes would require the submittal of septic system inspection reports at the time of property transfer and implement fee changes that were approved as part of DEQ’s 2011-2013 Legislatively Adopted Budget. DEQ has worked with stakeholders during rule development and believes the rule proposal reflects legislative intent. The public comment period on the proposal runs through October 19, 2012. DEQ plans to recommend the amended rule for adoption by the Environmental Quality Commission in December 2012. The fees would become effective March 1, 2013. The rulemaking announcement and documents will be posted on the Internet at Randy Trox Onsite Program Coordinator Oregon Department of Environmental Quality 165 East 7th Avenue, Suite 100 Eugene, OR 97401 541-687-7338