Oregon Records Management Solution
RE: LEV III - ZEV 2.0 Rule Update
''Thursday, July 11, 2019 at 10:55:55 AM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' Rule Caption: Oregon Low Emission Vehicles — 2013 Update Adm. Order No.: DEQ 13-2013 Filed with Sec. of State: 12-19-2013 Certified to be Effective: 12-19-13 Notice Publication Date: 10-1-2013 Rules Amended: 340-257-0010, 340-257-0020, 340-257-0030, 340-257-0050, 340-257-0070, 340-257-0080, 340-257-0090, 340-257-0100, 340-257-0110, 340-257-0120 Subject: The Environmental Quality Commission amended Low and Zero Emission Vehicle Program rules to match revisions adopted by California in 2012. Oregon has opted-in to California’s emission standards. Under the federal Clean Air Act, states that choose to apply emission limits that are more stringent than federal standards for new vehicles must adopt California’s vehicle emission standards. There are two major portions of the updated rules: Low Emission Vehicles III and Zero Emission Vehicles 2.0. The LEV III rules are largely the same as the federal Greenhouse Gas and Tier 3 motor vehicle emission rules. This alignment between state and federal regulations is the result of a negotiated agreement among automakers, state and federal regulators to harmonize requirements. Both the California LEV III and federal regulations would cut fleet-average greenhouse gas emissions of new vehicles between 2017 and 2025 to half of 2008 levels. Both sets of rules would also cut smog-forming compounds by approximately 70 percent. These measures would continue to apply primarily to auto manufacturers who must deliver compliant vehicles for sale in Oregon. Auto dealers would continue to be prohibited from importing noncompliant vehicles for use in the state. Adopting the LEV III rules would keep Oregon’s rules identical to California’s rules. If the federal government weakens or repeals the federal Greenhouse Gas rules in the future, Oregon’s LEV III rules ensure these requirements would continue to apply to new vehicles sold in Oregon. These rules also update Oregon’s existing Zero Emission Vehicle Program by incorporating California’s 2012 amendments known as the ZEV 2.0 regulations. The ZEV 2.0 rule amendments increase the percentage of new cars and trucks that are pollution-free vehicles, such as all-electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids. The amendments also provide greater flexibility for manufacturers to choose among compliance options.