Sent: Fri Aug 26 17:24:52 2011

To: ROICK Tom; PICKERELL Loretta; MASON Palmer; FULLER Brian


Subject: CT Rules update meeting notes

Importance: Normal


Hi all,

Here’s a summary of the 8/24 meeting. In attendance: Palmer Mason, Loretta Pickerell, Bob Barrows. Palmer and Loretta, please add or edit this if you have additional information; particularly you Loretta since you were taking good notes. There have been edits to the following Sharepoint documents: CTRule Stakeholders, CT Project Plan, CT Facility Permit SRP. http://deqmoss/sites/LQ/SW/CT%20Rule%20Making/Shared%20Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx

Field trip report

Bob summarized the field visits to ReKlaim (tire pyrolysis pilot facility) in Port of Morrow, S4 Energy plasma-arc gasification facility (also pilot) at Columbia Ridge Landfill and Three Mile Canyon Farms lagoon digester facility. All are pilot scale. ReKlaim is emerging from bankruptcy and has several successes in 1) pelletizing the carbon black and finding markets and 2) creating an oil that has longer carbon chains and is saleable. S4 Energy has completed construction and will soon begin startup operations utilizing preprocessed organic solid wastes to create syn-gases, some oil and some carbon black. The lagoon digester at Three Mile Canyon Farm was not operational when we were there but has been successful in a pilot-scale. Three Mile Canyon Farm intends to continue using the lagoon and plans to build a larger wet-digestion facility to manage much of the farms dairy manure.

Potential Stakeholder List

After discussion a number of stakeholders and a few categories were added. See the edited version and add more or edit please. We discussed some ideas about format for the rules; fee ideas. Possibly model them off the Compost facility rules that are risk-based, provide exemptions for certain low-risk facilities and tiered permitting for higher risk levels. We identified the biofuel producers that are not currently permitted as solid waste disposal sites as potentially being exempt, not sure. We should discuss internally and determine how to address them.

Project Plan

Edited the project plan amending a member of the Rules Design Team; added an issue within the scope; moved up stakeholder meeting dates; added a scope task. Please add or edit. New issue needing attention soon is to scope out work needed for first stakeholder meeting. Some items to address include:

· List the parameters of the CT Rulemaking – what is in scope, what isn’t

· 1st meeting agenda should include but is not limited to: 1) list of issues, 2) suggested approach, 3) Background information – why we are doing this, How DEQ’s permitting scheme works, etc.

SRP Comments

Discussed Loretta’s comments – Bob agreed with them. Changes will be incorporated into the Sharepoint Blueprint.

Action Items

· Loretta – have someone schedule next meeting for first or second week of Sept. if possible

· contact potential stakeholders, particularly Ken Williamson and U of O about participation (I think Bob was assigned, but unsure how soon to do this)

· Development of Sharepoint Rulemaking Blueprint – Tom and Maggie

Please edit or add. Thanks bb

Bob Barrows | Waste Policy Coordinator

Dept. of Environmental Quality

165 E. 7th Ave., Eugene, OR 97401 |

( 541.687.7354 | 800.844.8467 x7354 (in Oregon)