Sent: Mon Jan 23 10:29:53 2012

To: BARROWS Bob; Tom Redd (; Jeff Surma (; Chris Ulum (; Dean Foor (


Subject: RE: Presentation to Conversion Tech Rulemaking meeting on Jan. 27

Importance: Normal



Thanks again for agreeing to make a brief presentation at our first Conversion Technology Rulemaking this Friday. In preparation for the meeting we’d like you to send presentation materials to us before Friday so we can load presentations onto the computer and troubleshoot, if needed, to ensure it works on Friday.

If you plan to use a PowerPoint presentation would you please e-mail it to Christie Nuttall and me by Thursday noon. Christie’s e-mail address is:

Please contact me if you have any questions. I look forward to seeing/ meeting you all on Friday. bb

Bob Barrows | Waste Policy Coordinator

Dept. of Environmental Quality

165 E. 7th Ave., Eugene, OR 97401 |

( 541.687.7354 | 800.844.8467 x7354 (in Oregon)


Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2012 10:32 AM

To: Tom Redd (; Jeff Surma (; Chris Ulum (; Dean Foor (


Subject: Presentation to Conversion Tech Rulemaking meeting on Jan. 27

Hi all,

I haven’t spoken with all of you yet, about making a presentation at the Conversion Technology Rulemaking Advisory Committee meeting on Friday, January 27. So, I am sending this hoping you will all agree. Please let me know if you can do the presentation.

Agenda Item

Some of your fellow advisory committee members may not be aware of your facility and technology. We would like for you to make a brief presentation describing your facility, process, technology, products and other things. This would give all committee members more context to help advise with this rulemaking.

Since our time is limited we’re capping your presentation at 8 minutes; 5 minutes for your presentation and 3 minutes for Q & A. Here is what we would like you to cover in your 5 minutes; some of the topics are specific to this rulemaking which is primarily about environmental issues around solid waste permitting:

· Describe your facility, type of technology, process, etc.

· What feedstocks are used in your facility

· What products are produced and how they are used

· What wastes are generated by your facility or byproducts that markets have not yet been identified

· What other environmental issues/permits/plans may be required of your facility (air quality, hazardous waste, Spill Prevention & Control Plans, water quality permit, other?)

We will have a laptop and projector available for slideshows. Since a picture is worth a thousand words, I encourage you to show some slides showing your facility or technology process.

Please contact me if you have any questions or need anything for the meeting. Thanks so much and I look forward to seeing you next week. bb

Bob Barrows | Waste Policy Coordinator

Dept. of Environmental Quality

165 E. 7th Ave., Eugene, OR 97401 |

( 541.687.7354 | 800.844.8467 x7354 (in Oregon)