From: CALDERA Stephanie

Sent: Fri Aug 16 12:47:59 2013

To: FULLER Brian

Subject: RE: Conversion Technology Rulemaking Update

Importance: Normal


Hi Brian,

The commission can’t hear any comments on proposed rules for which the comment period has closed (which applies here). They can hear comment after they’ve taken action.

Two other people have sent similar inquiries my way, and I have their comments/letters that I will provide to the commission (hand out to them) after taking action. Obviously, it’s unsatisfying to have your comments provided after the action…but that’s how the commission rules operate in this case.

If this person wants to submit a letter/comment they can send it to me directly – I’ll add it to the packet (of two so far) to be handed out after formal action on item H.


- Stephanie

From: FULLER Brian

Sent: Friday, August 16, 2013 11:04 AM

To: CALDERA Stephanie

Subject: FW: Conversion Technology Rulemaking Update

Hi Stephanie,

Per my voice mail, can you help with a response?


Brian Fuller

Manager - Hazardous and Solid Waste Programs

Oregon DEQ - Western Region

541-687-7327 - Office

541-501-3349 - Mobile

From: Stern, Matthew []

Sent: Friday, August 16, 2013 10:51 AM

To: FULLER Brian

Subject: RE: Conversion Technology Rulemaking Update

What are our options to comment to the EQC? How would we go about submitting comment?

Matt Stern

Waste Management

Area Director of Recycling Operations

13469 SW Highway 18, McMinnville, OR 97128

(cell#) 503-894-1160

(efax) 800-481-1395

From: FULLER Brian []

Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2013 5:00 PM

To: Stern, Matthew

Subject: FW: Conversion Technology Rulemaking Update

Hi Matt,

Hopefully you have received the notice below. Here’s a link that takes you directly to the staff report on the CT rules:

DEQ gave further consideration to the comments we received on one of the CT facility permit exemption criteria and have deleted …”Less than 20% by weight of the incoming feedstock is disposed of as SW or HW in a landfill or incinerator, as measured over a 6 month period…” Formerly OAR 340-096-0160 (4) (b)(C). The proposed rules no longer include this as a criteria that a facility would need to meet in order to be exempt from an application, operations plan, registration or permit requirements.

Give me a call if you have questions or wish to discuss.

Cell is best for the next 2 days 541-501-3349.


From: DEQ Online Subscriptions []

Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2013 2:35 PM

To: FULLER Brian

Subject: Conversion Technology Rulemaking Update

The final conversion technology rulemaking staff report is complete and has been posted on DEQ’s website as agenda item H of the August Environmental Quality Commission meeting: The staff report to the EQC describes the rulemaking purpose and process, includes a summary of comments received during the public comment period and DEQ’s response to the comments, and an attached redline version of the final proposed rules.

DEQ will present the proposed rules to the EQC during their August 22 meeting in LaGrande, and will recommend adoption at that time.

If you have any questions about these documents or the rulemaking in general, please contact Bob Barrows by e-mail at or by phone at 541/ 687-7354, or contact Brian Fuller by email at or by phone at 541-687-7327.


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