From: CALDERA Stephanie

Sent: Thu Jul 25 15:59:19 2013

To: FULLER Brian

Subject: RE: August EQC Docs Public

Importance: Normal


Hi Brian,

Sorry about the lack of response – they ought to e up on or by Monday, August 5. I will send an email when the link is live and materials are up.


- Stephanie

From: FULLER Brian

Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2013 3:11 PM

To: CALDERA Stephanie

Subject: RE: August EQC Docs Public

Hi Stephanie,

Any rough dates for when things for the August EQC meeting get posted on the web?


From: FULLER Brian

Sent: Friday, July 19, 2013 9:43 AM

To: CALDERA Stephanie

Subject: August EQC Docs Public

Hi Stephanie,

When do you anticipate posting the EQC agenda to the external web page? I’d like to let our Conversion Technology Rulemaking advisory committee when the rule making related documents are available on the web.


Brian Fuller

Manager - Hazardous and Solid Waste Programs

Oregon DEQ - Western Region

541-687-7327 - Office

541-501-3349 - Mobile