From: NUTTALL Christie

Sent: Fri Apr 13 17:17:20 2012

To: FULLER Brian

Subject: RE: CT Rules Next Steps

Importance: Normal


Brian I don’t have any input on specific topics , I just was thinking that the meeting format might be broken into groups… people interested in addressing certain points, hashing them out, bringing results back to full group and seeing if anything further needed to be added. I mention this because members seemed to want more frequent , longer meetings which might fit this kind of format AND I overheard a couple of people who mention that they were quite bored with portions of the discussion.

Christie Nuttall


Solid Waste

811 SW 6th Avenue

Portland, Oregon 97204


From: FULLER Brian

Sent: Friday, April 13, 2012 5:09 PM


Subject: CT Rules Next Steps


I’ve posted some tasks and started some discussions on the SharePoint site. If you have questions or concerns about any tasks that are assigned to you please let me know.

To meet our timeline we’ve got a lot of work to do. I think that we will need to have some discussions with committee members before our next meeting. After the meeting Agylix and AgriPlas expressed a desire to meet. I said that Peter and I would be the appropriate folks to meet with them. Bob and I will be meeting (on 4/26) with Rexius and likely ECOregon to talk more about changing the compost rules. (Bob is overall project lead, but will also be AD rule lead and Peter CT rule lead.) If you have thoughts on topics that we need to get additional input on or proposed directions to head please either post them on the discussion page or e-mail to the group.

With BioCycle, SWANA and a managers conference next week, meeting as a group will be tough. So no group meeting is scheduled for next week, but I would encourage you to continue to have conversations as you can. (I really appreciate the way that you all have met and discussed outside of our team meetings to date.) In the meantime please add to the discussions on SharePoint about topics you feel we need to address based on what we’ve heard to date and more importantly your answers to those questions or thoughts on how to proceed.


Brian Fuller

Manager - Hazardous and Solid Waste Programs

Oregon DEQ - Western Region

541-687-7327 - Office

541-501-3349 - Mobile

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