From: PICKERELL Loretta
Sent: Thu Aug 22 16:48:56 2013
To: FULLER Brian; SPENDELOW Peter H; RAWSON Stephanie; ROICK Tom; RHOADES Cathie; WILES Wendy
Cc: ''; OBRIEN Audrey; DRUBACK Lissa
Subject: RE: EQC Adopts
Importance: Normal
All -
I want to add my congratulations and thanks for the thorough, thoughtful job you all did in working through tough issues to complete this rulemaking. And in providing another risk-based model for permitting that, to echo Commissioners Rider and Armstrong, reflects the innovation called for in our new Materials Management Vision. (Should the term "waste" even be valid by 2050, asked Armstrong.")
Special thanks to Brian and Bob for leading this project and successfully presenting the recommended rules to the EQC this morning.
High fives all around,
-----Original Message-----
From: FULLER Brian
Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2013 11:59 AM
To: SPENDELOW Peter H; RAWSON Stephanie; ROICK Tom; RHOADES Cathie; PICKERELL Loretta; WILES Wendy
Cc: ''; OBRIEN Audrey; DRUBACK Lissa
Subject: EQC Adopts
The EQC adopted the CT rules this morning. It couldn't have happened without all the hard work and effort that you all have put in over the past two years. Thank you so much!
We've got some implementation work still to do but this is a major milestone.
Thanks again.