From: PICKERELL Loretta

Sent: Thu Dec 15 10:42:14 2011

To: FULLER Brian

Subject: Re: Size of Advisory Committee

Importance: Normal


Brian -- printout of stakeholder list shows many more sites than appeared when I opened it online, so ignore that part of message below. Also, the bu rules had large interest group -- and we should be inclusive of multiple interests in this rulmkg. We can go to 25 or so if need to.

From: PICKERELL Loretta

Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2011 10:28 AM

To: FULLER Brian

Subject: RE: Size of Advisory Committee

Brian –

The optimal number can vary significantly – considerations are getting adequate representation from key interested parties who will likely be affected and having a workable group.

The potential stakeholder list on SharePoint is still pretty skimpy – so it’s hard for me to gauge at this point, but I’d suggest aiming for 12-20.


From: FULLER Brian

Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2011 5:28 PM


Subject: Size of Advisory Committee

Hi Loretta,

How many folks do you think would good to have on the advisory committee for the CT rulemaking?


Brian Fuller

Manager - Hazardous and Solid Waste Programs

Oregon DEQ - Western Region

541-687-7327 - Office

541-501-3349 - Mobile

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