From: Robinson, Susan
Sent: Wed Jan 23 07:06:28 2013
To: FULLER Brian
Subject: RE: DEQ CT Rules
Importance: Normal
Thanks – we’ll try to get something to you this week. I’ll let you know if I run into a delay on my end.
From: FULLER Brian []
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 7:01 AM
To: Robinson, Susan
Subject: RE: DEQ CT Rules
Just a heads up that I will be out on leave 2/1-2/8. I’m not sure on the timing need for your letter but it would need to be before or after this time.
From: Robinson, Susan []
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 6:54 AM
To: FULLER Brian
Subject: RE: DEQ CT Rules
Thank you for taking the time to meet with us yesterday. It was very helpful, constructive meeting - and I was glad to gain a better understanding of the regulations from your perspective.
We submitted our comments yesterday afternoon. Of course, the fundamental concerns that we discussed at our morning meeting are included. However, I am glad that we had the chance to talk the issues through in person. Regarding some of the specific changes that we discussed, we may not have provided the level of detail that you would have liked given the timing, but we took a stab at some of them. We will look forward to participating in the process in any way possible as you continue on your regulatory path.
I am particularly grateful for your willingness to support the Agilyx facility (WM Plastics Recovery). As we mentioned, we are in an awkward position regarding timing since the facility is built but is still working through the implementation process. I will work with our project developers to try to get some bullet points to you for your consideration in a letter this week.
Please don’t hesitate to call with any questions. I can be reached best on my cell phone at 206-915-9183.
From: FULLER Brian []
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2013 2:35 PM
To: Robinson, Susan
Subject: DEQ CT Rules
Hi Susan,
Nice to meet you today. I hope that we provided some clarity on the intent of the proposed rules. Please call me if you have more questions, concerns or ideas.
Brian Fuller
Manager - Hazardous and Solid Waste Programs
Oregon DEQ - Western Region
541-687-7327 - Office
541-501-3349 - Mobile
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