Sent: Fri Aug 03 13:02:53 2012
To: FULLER Brian
Subject: RE: Portable CT Units
Importance: Normal
Hi Brian,
I looked at the language, and I don't think it quite requires a LUCS, but close. It just says it is the permittee's responsibility to obtain local land use approvals, where applicable, before operating at any location. It doesn't specifically require a written statement of approval to be issued by the local jurisdiction, which I think is what we require for a LUCS. I kept the stronger LUCS language in our draft permit requirement.
1.4 Relation to local land use laws
| This permit is not valid in Lane County, or at any location where the operation of the permittee’s processes, activities, and insignificant activities would be in violation of any local land use or zoning laws. For operation in Lane County, contact Lane Regional Air Pollution Authority for any necessary permits at (541) 736-1056. It is the permittee’s sole responsibility to obtain local land use approvals as, or where, applicable before operating this facility at any location. |
7.4 Portable Plants - Relocation Notice
| If the facility is portable, the permittee must not install or operate the facility or any portion of the facility at any new site without first providing written notice to the Permit Coordinator in the appropriate regional office. The written notice must include the date of the proposed move, approximate dates of operation, a detailed map showing access to the new site, and a description of the air pollution controls and procedures to be installed, operated, and practiced at the new site. Additional permits may be required if the permittee operates individual components of the facility at more than one site at a time. |
Peter Spendelow
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
-----Original Message-----
From: FULLER Brian
Sent: Friday, August 03, 2012 10:04 AM
Subject: FW: Portable CT Units
Link to AQ permit language.
-----Original Message-----
From: FULLER Brian
Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2012 2:12 PM
Subject: FW: Portable CT Units
Today during our call we discussed portable treatment units, the proposed biochar unit came up. This is/was a fast pyrolysis unit that would take woody debris and mainly convert it into biochar (w/ some oil also produced). It's a portable unit that would move from slash pile to slash pile to make biochar. The USFS was interested in this unit.
Being that our SW permits are site specific, the questions arose should we look at "mobile SW permits" for CT facilities. Air Quality permits mobile rock crushers and asphalt batch plants. They issue the operator one permit. A permit requirement is that the facility get a LUCS for each location they operate. They don't need to submit the LUCS to DEQ.
What are your thoughts on the SW program needing mobile permits for CT facilities and would the AQ scenario work?
-----Original Message-----
From: BECKER John
Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2012 1:54 PM
To: FULLER Brian
Subject: Portables.
They just need to maintain the land use approval on site (1.4) and notify our regional office when the move, if a portable (7.4).