From: Stern, Matthew

Sent: Fri Dec 30 14:23:45 2011

To: FULLER Brian

Subject: RE: Conversion Technology Rulemaking Advisory Committee

Importance: Normal


OK. Any pre-meeting homework?

Matt Stern

Waste Management

Area Director of Recycling Operations

13469 SW Highway 18, McMinnville, OR 97128

(cell#) 503-894-1160

(efax) 800-481-1395

From: FULLER Brian []

Sent: Friday, December 30, 2011 2:23 PM

To: Stern, Matthew


Subject: RE: Conversion Technology Rulemaking Advisory Committee

Hi Matt,

The meeting is scheduled from 9:00-12:00 on the 27th.

From: FULLER Brian

Sent: Friday, December 30, 2011 2:17 PM

To: ''


Subject: Conversion Technology Rulemaking Advisory Committee

Dear Mr. Stern,

Thank you for your willingness to participate on DEQ’s Conversion Technology Rulemaking Advisory Committee. The Committee will help DEQ in the development of definitions, permitting, performance standards and appropriate fees for Conversion Technology Facilities. We hope to have a rulemaking proposal ready for Environmental Quality Commission consideration by the end of 2012.

We expect to schedule 3 – 6 advisory committee meetings from January through September of 2012. The meetings will be held at our DEQ Headquarters. In-person attendance would be ideal, but we are able to make arrangements for participation by phone.

Our initial meeting is scheduled for:

January 27, 2012

DEQ Headquarters, Room EQC A, (10th floor)

811 SW 6th Ave., Portland, OR

Take the elevator to the 10th floor; the receptionist will direct you to Room EQC A.

We will send you an agenda and back ground materials in a forthcoming e-mail.

If you have any questions prior to the meeting, please contact Bob Barrows by phone at (541) 687-7354 or by e-mail at: or myself, as noted below.

We know you have a busy schedule and greatly appreciate your willingness to serve on this Committee. We look forward to your contributions to this important work.


Brian Fuller

Manager - Hazardous and Solid Waste Programs

Oregon DEQ - Western Region

541-687-7327 - Office

541-501-3349 - Mobile

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