From: WILES Wendy
Sent: Tue Jan 22 12:51:15 2013
To: FULLER Brian; MASON Palmer
Subject: RE: Meeting with Waste and Agilyx
Importance: Normal
Thanks, Brian.
-----Original Message-----
From: FULLER Brian
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2013 12:21 PM
To: MASON Palmer
Cc: PICKERELL Loretta; WILES Wendy
Subject: RE: Meeting with Waste and Agilyx
I think the meeting went well. Both Waste and Agilyx will be submitting comments. Waste started from the standpoint that the prepared plastic feedstock isn't a waste but a valuable commodity. They proposed that we follow the new legitimacy requirement from EPA on determining what is a waste for boilers or incineration. Many of our proposed permit exemption criteria align nicely with this. We answered their questions and gave them a better comfort level. I told them that DEQ could provide a clarifications letter on how the rules would apply to them. They will be asking for this.
Bottom line: we cleared up some misconceptions, still disagree on when a SW stops being a SW, will need to respond to their specific comments, but are in a better place than prior to the meeting.
(Chris Ulum is no longer with Agilyx, so some of the Advisory Committee knowledge has been lost there for Agilyx.)
-----Original Message-----
From: MASON Palmer
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2013 10:16 AM
To: FULLER Brian; WILES Wendy
Subject: RE: Meeting with Waste and Agilyx
Thanks, let me know how it goes.
Palmer Mason
Government Relations Manager, J.D.
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
-----Original Message-----
From: FULLER Brian
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2013 8:06 PM
To: MASON Palmer; WILES Wendy
Subject: Meeting with Waste and Agilyx
Bob, Peter and myself will be meeting with Waste Management and Agilyx tomorrow at 10:00 to discuss the CT rules. They will then decide if they are going to submit comments.