From: WOODROW Beth
Sent: Tue Nov 27 16:28:34 2012
To: MCFARLAND Meagan * BAM Admin
Cc: KEITH Kristin * BAM Admin; PEARSON Lisa * BAM Analysts; HAMMOND Joni; WILES Wendy; FULLER Brian; SPENDELOW Peter H; ROYS Jim; MASON Palmer; PICKERELL Loretta
Subject: Fee approval: DEQ Conversion Technology Rules
Importance: Normal
Attachments: CT.Fee.Approval-3.01.doc; CT.Fee.Change-3.01.xls; CT.Fee.DAS_Fee_Cover_Letter.docx; DEQ is proposing administrative rules that would revise how solid waste facilities utilizing “conversion technology” would be regulated. In association with these regulatory changes, DEQ is proposing changes to the fees paid by the small number of existing facilities that fall into this category. With adoption of these rules, some facilities would be subject to new fee categories to be established under the rule while others would pay existing compost facility fees, in lieu of the solid waste treatment facility fees they currently pay. DEQ did not include this fee in its 2011-13 budget presentation to the Legislature because the decision to proceed with this rulemaking was not made until the latter half of 2011. The fee rule, if adopted, will not affect fees paid in the 2011-13 biennium. The attached documents request DAS approval of the new fee categories: · CT.Fee.Approval-3.01.doc: Form 107BF21 · CT.Fee.Change-3.01.xls: Form 107BF22 · CT.Fee.DAS_Fee_Cover_Letter.docx: Explanation of fee change Please contact me with any questions. Beth Woodrow Land Quality Fiscal Analyst 503-229-6997