From: WOODROW Beth

Sent: Tue Aug 21 08:17:25 2012

To: FULLER Brian

Subject: RE: CT Rule Making Fees

Importance: Normal

Attachments: RE: Fee Rule Development Documents;



You need to fill out the forms in Maggie’s attached e-mail and submit them to DAS, along with a cover letter or attachment that answers the questions on page 2 of the “approval” form (Item 3 under “reporting requirements). I can work with you all to pull the information together. (fyi, I’m out from 8/27 through Labor Day and from 9/24 – 28th.)

As Maggie indicated, “DEQ’s best practice is to submit the forms to DAS at least 30 days before we submit the notice to Secretary of State for publication in the Bulletin.” DAS does not promise a particular turnaround time. A month to six weeks is probably typical, depending on what’s going on in Salem. (This fall will be busy with budget decisions.) Their instructions say that once you receive approval, you must complete part 2 of the approval form within 10 days of rule adoption or the fee effective date.

As Maggie says, if you fill out the fee sections of the rulemaking proposal, it will create the text you need for the cover letter.

From: FULLER Brian

Sent: Monday, August 20, 2012 3:15 PM


Subject: CT Rule Making Fees

Hi Beth,

Can you tell me what the SW program needs to do and by when in regards to the new fees in the CT rulemaking?


Brian Fuller

Manager - Hazardous and Solid Waste Programs

Oregon DEQ - Western Region

541-687-7327 - Office

541-501-3349 - Mobile