From: RAWSON Stephanie
Sent: Fri Apr 13 16:47:28 2012
To: LUMPER Bruce; FULLER Brian
Cc: RAWSON Stephanie
Subject: RE: Meeting Summary - Co-Draft Completed by Fri., 4/20/12.
Importance: Normal
Yikes, that is really tight for me but I will do my best to get it done.
Stephanie Rawson | Solid Waste Compliance
Oregon DEQ | Northwest Region
2020 SW 4th Ave., Ste. 400, Portland, OR 97201
(503.229.5562 |
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P Is it necessary to print this e-mail?
From: LUMPER Bruce
Sent: Friday, April 13, 2012 4:42 PM
To: FULLER Brian
Cc: RAWSON Stephanie; LUMPER Bruce
Subject: Meeting Summary - Co-Draft Completed by Fri., 4/20/12.
Hi Brian,
Got you covered.
From: FULLER Brian
Sent: Friday, April 13, 2012 4:40 PM
To: LUMPER Bruce; RAWSON Stephanie
Subject: Meeting Summary - Co-Draft Completed by Fri., 4/20/12.
I assigned both of you with the task of completing the meeting summary, getting team feedback and finalizing by 4/27. It would be great if you can have a draft done by 4/20. I’d like to start having some conversations with the committee (the week of 4/23) on issues highlighted from the meeting.
Brian Fuller
Manager - Hazardous and Solid Waste Programs
Oregon DEQ - Western Region
541-687-7327 - Office
541-501-3349 - Mobile
Messages to and from this e-mail address may be available to the public under Oregon Public Records Law.