From: VANDEHEY Maggie
Sent: Wed Aug 29 16:17:47 2012
To: TARNOW Karen E; TROX Randall
Subject: RE: Notification to Legislators - Sample
Importance: Normal
Karen, you are right. The email is short, sweet and sent to all key legislators at one time. Randy, you would include a link to the Rules Registry in the email. The division decides who would send the email based on interactions with the key legislators.
From: TARNOW Karen E
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2012 4:09 PM
To: TROX Randall; VANDEHEY Maggie
Subject: FW: Notification to Legislators - Sample
Randy –
Here’s an example of another rulemaking letter to legislators. As I understand it, we simply sent it as text in an email, and sent a single email to the group of legislators.
Maggie – isn’t that the way we’re doing it now?
From: BELETE Etsegenet
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2012 1:57 PM
To: TARNOW Karen E
Subject: FW: Notification to Legislators - Sample
Hi Karen,
I have the letter to Legislatures drafted to be sent out during public notice next Tuesday August 21st. Nina will be sending out the letter via email but I would like you to take a look and confirm the recipients of the email. Chris Clipper stated that 183.335(15)(a) and 183.335(15)(b) clarifies who the notification should be sent to. The three names I got from him are, SEN Dingfelder; REP Bailey; REP Gilliam
Below is the email draft I will be sending to Nina.
Thank you,
Dear Senator Dingfelder, Representative Bailey and Representative Gilliam:
Attached is a Proposed Rulemaking Announcement fact sheet pursuant to ORS 183.335(15), requiring notice of a proposed Department of Environmental Quality rulemaking.
DEQ proposes a rulemaking to increase Wastewater System Operator Certification fees to address program cost increases. The rule amendments also include changes that reflect current program practices and improve program efficiencies. This proposal affects all wastewater system owners and operators that run wastewater systems under DEQ issued wastewater permit.
DEQ plans to recommend the amended rule for adoption by the Environmental Quality Commission in December 2012. The fees would become effective March 1, 2013.
If you have questions or need additional information, please contact me at
Nina Deconcini, Administrator
DEQ, Northwest Region