From: CALDERA Stephanie
Sent: Wed Aug 15 10:13:28 2012
To: TROX Randall
Subject: RE: public meetings
Importance: Normal
Hi Randy,
I think it’s fine that they’re scheduled during traditional business hours, especially since the folks most affected by the changes are business/industry-related and could attend the hearings on their work (not personal) time.
Thanks for checking in, and I think you’re spot-on with the explanation – the times were scheduled to best capture the intended/anticipated audience of stakeholders and interested parties.
- Stephanie
From: TROX Randall
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2012 9:20 AM
To: CALDERA Stephanie
Subject: public meetings
Hello Stephanie,
I am in too deep to change course, but want to ask anyways. I have a rulemaking with a SOS filing deadline today. In the last 2 days I scrambled to pull together public hearing dates and times. Times…that is my question.
I have scheduled 5 hearings and all are during working hours. Main rule change that will be attracting attention is required septic system inspections in the coastal zone (that includes Douglas, Jackson, Josephine).
Here is my path…
· Newport 9/17 info meeting at 10:30, hearing around 11-12
· Tillamook 9/17 info meeting at 3:30, hearing around 4-5
· Coos Bay 9/18 info meeting at 3:30, hearing around 4-5
· Roseburg 9/20 info meeting at 10:30, hearing around 4-5
· Medford 9/20 info meeting at 3:30, hearing around 4-5
When we did a 60% fee increase public hearings (held in the evenings) in 2009 over the state and we had just a few contractors show up at a few meetings and Burns there was a healthy showing that was due in part to political theater to get the onsite program.
I guess what I am looking for is if you have any EQC insight on whether they might call us out on that. Are we trying to avoid the public by having hearings when people are working? That isn’t the reason, trying to maximize the number of hearings at a cost the program can afford, conference room availability, past experience of mostly contractors and business folk attending is why I scheduled this way.
The die is cast…but your feedback on if I should address it in the staff report or possibly have additional public meetings outside of the SOS requirements, give it to me straight.
Randy Trox
Onsite Program Coordinator
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
165 East 7th Avenue, Suite 100
Eugene, OR 97401