From: COUTU Adam
Sent: Wed Aug 15 09:12:29 2012
To: TROX Randall; KUCINSKI Michael
Cc: TARNOW Karen E; HURD Yongkie S
Subject: FW: RM-Onsite: Budget Fiscal Review
Importance: Normal
Attachments: FiscalOnsite.docx; Randy and Mike: Two comments: 1. I would delete “choose to” from the following sentence: “There are currently 600 licensed installers and pumpers, but only those who choose to violate the rules would be affected by the compliance recovery fee rule.” It makes it sound like complying with the rules is optional. 2. We need to be very careful to make sure this following statements align with our 2013-15 Policy Option Package. In the policy package, we’re increase fees to pay for a package that includes the NRS2 and to cover a shortfall in revenue to pay for program costs. How would you reconcile these statements from your fiscal statement with the policy package? Now’s the time (like, today) to fix either or both documents to align. Since we put a lot of thought and work into the policy package narrative, I suspect we should modify, as necessary, the fiscal to align with the POP. “DEQ’s expected fiscal impact is to receive a sufficient number of application fees to hire a staff person, Natural Resource Specialist 2, to oversee the time of transfer evaluation program reports. Other fiscal impacts include the public and time of transfer inspectors requesting septic system records. ATT system approval fees will cover the costs of the program, as do the other fee changes.” I didn’t review the fiscal in detail; I left that to Yongkie. But these two things jumped out at me during my 45 second scan of the document. Please let me know if you have any questions. Adam Coutu Operations and Policy Analyst Water Quality Division Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (503) 229-6602 From: HURD Yongkie S Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2012 9:00 AM To: COUTU Adam; TROX Randall Cc: VANDEHEY Maggie; HARRIS Jim; ROYS Jim Subject: FW: RM-Onsite: Budget Fiscal Review Hi Randy, I reviewed the Fiscal and Adam has some questions, so I am forwarding this to him. Yongkie From: VANDEHEY Maggie Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2012 3:52 PM To: TROX Randall; ROYS Jim; HURD Yongkie S; HARRIS Jim Subject: RM-Onsite: Budget Fiscal Review Hi. Please use this version to review the Onsite rulemaking fiscal. Randy plans to Notice by 4:00 tomorrow. Thank you. Maggie From: TROX Randall Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2012 2:47 PM To: ROYS Jim; HURD Yongkie S; HARRIS Jim Cc: VANDEHEY Maggie Subject: Document1 Hello, In the interest in time I cut the fiscal out of the planning document that I still need to review and hope to send your way within the hour – I apologize in the last minute way this came to you. Bye Randy