To: HAMMOND Joni; 'Jane O'Keeffe'; ALDRICH Greg; KOSS Leah; ANDERSEN Keith; PRESTON Gerry; NELSON Kerri
Subject: IAAC Collaboration Space
Importance: Normal
Attachments: image001.gif; Hi, If you did not get an invitation to join Talbot, Korvola & Warwick, LLP (TKW) has completed the Small Purchase Order Transaction System (SPOTS) credit cards. They were very professional and respected staff’s time. I edited the report and made suggestions that had more to do with how we communicate are DEQ. TKW addressed the suggestions and I have sent the report to our procurement staff for any response they may have. IAAC will need to accept the report and I will place it on the IAAC GovSpace. I met with TKW to discuss the agency-wide risk assessment and they will need our input before our December meeting. I’ll put this on the IAAC GovSpace when we need input. 1. The first thing you need to do is set up an account on GovSpace. 2. Once you have created your account go to the iLinc area and find the meeting calendar Maggie Vandehey (503) 229-6878