

Cc: CALDERA Stephanie; PAPISH Uri; MANEY Ella

Subject: FW: NSPS, NESHAP, and Accidental Release Rules and Permitting

Importance: Normal


Hi Jerry,

I’ve searched my email system for all NESHAP rulemaking records. I only found one that did not have your name on the To… or C… lines. I’ve placed it in the rulemaking record: \\deqhq1\Rule_Development\2012 Plan\AQ-FedAQRegs- Jerry Ebersole\7-PostEQC.

Also, I’ve placed all emails where you are on the To… or C… lines. I just want you to see what the conversation outline looks like on the first page. This is done in OutlookThese emails will duplicate what you will be placing in the rulemaking record

\\deqhq1\Rule_Development\2012 Plan\AQ-FedAQRegs - Jerry Ebersole\7-PostEQC\EMAILmcvConversationWithG.E.pdf