
To: OWEN Debra


Subject: RE: IA: RFP for Internal auditing services

Importance: Normal


Will do. Thank you for your suggestions. I have several RFPs from other agencies and I know Renee Klein (SOS Internal Audits) would be glad to look at the draft as would several other Chief Audit Executives. When I talk with Renee, I’ll ask her what she knows about written permissions from an internal audit perspective.

From: OWEN Debra

Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 9:43 AM



Subject: RE: IA: RFP for Internal auditing services

Please send me a completed and signed (contract justification form (attached below) . Once I have that, we’ll send the appropriate forms with a description of the process.

I suggest you check with other agencies and SOS .. to see if you can get copies of their solicitation documents. Also, I haven’t checked for years but there used to be a requirement that SOS approve any contract for audit services. It may be we have to get their written permission before we can even conduct a solicitation. (I just don’t remember the details right now). It would be helpful if SOS agreed to review any solicitation / contract even if the review isn’t required.

From: VANDEHEY Maggie

Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 9:13 AM

To: OWEN Debra


Subject: IA: RFP for Internal auditing services

Hi Deb,

Last week, we got the definitive answer that SOS Internal Audits will not be coordinating or providing contract services for agencies required to have an internal audit function. The Internal Audit Advisory Committee decided yesterday that we would contract rather than hire an internal auditor. I need to get started on developing an RFP for internal auditing services. The scope of work would be very close to the TKW contract. Do you have any advice on using that as a springboard? Would you please send me the latest forms and guidelines?


Maggie Vandehey | Sr. Operations and Policy Analyst

Department of Environmental Quality | 34000

811 SW Sixth Ave., Portland,, OR 97204-1390 |

( 503.229-6878 | In OR: 800.452-4011 | 6 503.229.6730