
To: KIRK Rebecca


Subject: RE: FW: Training Software

Importance: Normal




·  I called Janice twice and asked for a meeting with no response.

·  The planned point-of-use trainings and info bits would take under 2 minutes each; therefore, it does not make sense to involve iLearn or Jill.

·  I have develop and tested several mini point-of-use skill building but without the software, I cannot test it at DEQ or with the blueprint. We only need one copy since each person who opens a point-of-use training does not need a copy of the software. It costs less than $300 dollar.

·  As agreed, the training would be placed in one location and linking to that location rather than loading the training at each location is necessary for maintenance and space.

·  Camtasia, Snagit on steroids, is extremely easy to use. Two of us in agency rulemaking already use it OUTSIDE OF DEQ. We both started developing learning modules in under 15 minutes and we are both agency rulemaking experts who would be developing the modules over the next 18 months IF WE CAN GET SOFTWARE.

·  I anticipate Camtasia will help streamline rulemaking and leapfrog the pollution prevention and pollution control breakthrough but how can I know how it would work here without a copy?


Maggie Vandehey

(503) 229-6878


-----Original Appointment-----
From: NGUYEN Dennis P
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2012 9:17 AM
Cc: LEBER Janice; CORONA Jill
Subject: Declined: FW: Training Software
When: Tuesday, January 24, 2012 1:30 PM-2:00 PM (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada).
Where: Maggie's Office - SW corner 4th floor



Please discuss with Jill and Janice about the software. I don’t need to be in the meeting.




Dennis Nguyen