To: MASON Palmer; ROYS Jim
Subject: FW: Protocol for HB3291
Importance: Normal
Do we have the HB 3291 reporting requirements covered? This includes the requirement that we report our open Secretary of State audit findings to the legislative assembly and the Ways and Means subcommittee that considers our budget.
SECTION 1. Each state agency that is audited by the Secretary of State under ORS
297.070 shall disclose the results of the audit and submit a written report about changes the
agency has made, or is making, to implement the audit recommendations to:
(1) The Legislative Assembly, within six months after the date the secretary issues the
audit report; and
(2) To the subcommittee of the Joint Committee on Ways and Means considering the
agency’s budget request, at all hearings related to the agency’s budget for a period of three
years after the date the secretary issues the audit report.
HB 3291 indicates the agency should do the reporting but SOS Audits Division will be compiling and summarizing a report to meet HB3291 requirements on behalf of the agencies. If we choose to report via SOS Audits Division, we still need to include each recommendation and include it with our budget materials when called in front of Ways and Means or if asked by the Legislature.
Additionally, when looking at other agency reports to the legislature, elow is a State Library site that outlines the protocol for submitting a report to legislative assembly..