
To: MCFARLAND Meagan * BAM Admin

Cc: KEITH Kristin * BAM Admin; ROCCO Ken G; MASON Palmer; ROYS Jim; GEIST Gregory; BELETE Etsegenet; CLIPPER Chris; HAMMOND Joni

Subject: Fee Approval Forms

Importance: Normal


Hi Megan,

Re: Submittal of Fee Approval Form, Part I for proposed Wastewater System Operator Certification Fee Increase

DEQ is proposing a fee increase for the Wastewater System Operator Certification program. The rulemaking would increase operator certification and program support fees by 60 percent.

Historically, the Department has funded the program with both operator certification fees and general funds. In 2001, the legislature shifted the certification program general funds to the wastewater management program and structured the program to be completely fee-funded. In 2002, a comprehensive fee structure and increase was conducted to maintain certification program costs for the staff level of 2 FTE. The cost of funding 2 FTE has risen gradually over the past 10 years. In addition, the amount that DEQ pays an outside vendor for each exam has increased and a major upgrade to the program’s computer software will further impact program funding levels. The revenue from this increase is necessary to maintain the operating expenses of the program through 2019. The proposed fee increase rulemaking is currently scheduled for adoption by the Environmental Quality Commission in December 2012. DEQ will continue to utilize the same level of staff to operate the program (no FTE added).

Operators of wastewater systems in Oregon pay certification and renewal fees to obtain and maintain their certificate(s). Operators are certified as Grade I through Grade IV, depending upon the complexity of the system they operate, and fees are structured based on the level of certification. Once certified, operators maintain their license through a biennial renewal fee. The increase for the operator certification fees represents an average increase of $106 for individuals seeking certification, followed by an increase of $30 per year to maintain their certification.

An annual Program Support Fee is assessed to owners of NPDES and WPCF permitted wastewater systems. These fees are scaled to the size of the facility. The program support fees for facilities that treat less than 1 million gallons of wastewater per day would increase by an average of $38 per year.

The fee increase will impact individual operators and system owners. Individuals are responsible for obtaining and maintaining appropriate certificates and renewals. However, approximately 70% of employers reimburse their operators for certification-related costs. Local, state, federal government and private entities that own domestic wastewater systems and operate under the NPDES or WPCF permits issued by the Department are affected by the new annual certification program support fee. There may be an impact on the general public if system owners pass increased costs to ratepayers. DEQ will initiate outreach to operators and system owners regarding the proposed fee increase prior to the start of the rulemaking public comment period.

In March 2012, DEQ convened an external advisory committee to solicit input on the proposed fee increase. The advisory committee recommended that DEQ proceed with the proposed fee increase.

Enclosed are the required Fee Approval Form and Fee Change Detail Report. If you have questions, please contact Etsegenet Belete at 503-229-5349 or When returning the signed Fee Approval Form, Part 1, please return it to DEQ, Attn: Etsegenet Belete, 2020 SW 4th Avenue, Suite 400, Portland, OR, 97201.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Maggie Vandehey | Sr. Operations and Policy Analyst

Department of Environmental Quality

811 SW Sixth Ave., Portland,, OR 97204-1390 |

( 503.229-6878 | In OR: 800.452-4011 | 6 503.229.6730