Cc: VICK Nicole R.; CLIPPER Chris
Subject: RE: RM-CT: iLinc capabilities & test drive - what's required for submitting comments
Importance: Normal
Tom, thank you for. I’ll do my thing (normalize to other rulemaking documents) and put it in our shared resources on \\deqhq1\Rule_Resources\0.IndividualRulemaking.
When we are in agreement, I’ll post to the appropriate folder on the SharePoint blank. The blank is the “template” for all future rulemaking sub-sites. http://deqsps/programs/rulemaking/cp/blank/default.aspx. All rulemaking documents will be preloaded into the blank for replication starting with the 2014 plan.
For 2013, the documents need to be loaded into each sub-site as needed. For example, Brian Finneran indicated he is ready to start rulemaking in February. This means he is ready for the Schedule and he documents will be preloaded. will start replicating
From: ROICK Tom
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 8:33 AM
Cc: VICK Nicole R.; CLIPPER Chris
Subject: RE: RM-CT: iLinc capabilities & test drive - what's required for submitting comments
There’s the script for being a presiding officer and there’s the Presiding Officer’s Report itself. I modified the script for the CT rulemaking to address the APA listed options for how an agency must provide information and to account for the use of GovDelivery and iLinc. It does need to be tweaked if we want to use it as a template. I’m still finalizing the Presiding Officer’s Report for the CT rulemaking, but it’s mostly complete.
Still old school, I’ve attached these rather than post. Do we want to get input from Nicole and Chris before updating as templates?
From: VANDEHEY Maggie
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2013 12:47 PM
Cc: VICK Nicole R.; CLIPPER Chris
Subject: RE: RM-CT: iLinc capabilities & test drive - what's required for submitting comments
Hi Tom,
I’ve not updated the Presiding Officer’s Report. Once you get the elements in the report that you think need updating, would you save it under \\deqhq1\Rule_Resources\0.IndividualRulemaking\4-Public Notice\Templates using the following name PRESIDING.OFFICER.RPT-4.00? I’ll finalize it. See other responses below…
Thank you.
From: ROICK Tom
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2013 9:39 AM
Cc: VICK Nicole R.; CLIPPER Chris
Subject: RM-CT: iLinc capabilities & test drive - what's required for submitting comments
We are debating what information we should ask for if allowing a person to comment via iLinc during the CT rulemaking hearing. My read of the APA is that we need a mailing address if a person asks for a paper copy or wants a reference to the website where its posted mailed to them. If a person requests electronic information, we need their email address. YES
There is nothing in the APA that requires a persons’ name or affiliation – although it would seem obvious we need their name to document the comments and mail or email them information. AFFILIATION HELPS US UNDERSTAND THE COMMENT DINAMICS AND FORMULATE OUR RESPONSES
The language we have in our rulemaking Announcement and draft Presiding Officer Text OUR doesn’t tell people that they have three options (A, B, and C below) one of which is requesting a paper copy. It seems to me we should tell people they have these options, even if our preference is simply to sign them up for GovDelivery and/or refer them to the Rules Registry. YES, THIS IS PART OF OUR NEW ANNOUNCEMENT BUT NOT THE OLD. Please double check the attached to make sure it meets the requirement as you understand it.
Am I interpreting this correctly?
(8)(a) Any person may request in writing that an agency send to the person copies of the agency’s notices of intended action issued under subsection (1) of this section. The person must provide an address where the person elects to receive notices. The address provided may be a postal mailing address or, if the agency provides notice by electronic mail, may be an electronic mailing address.
(b) A request under this subsection must indicate that the person requests one of the following:
(A) The person may request that the agency mail paper copies of the proposed rule and other information required by subsection (2) of this section to the postal mailing address.
(B) If the agency posts notices of intended action on a website, the person may request that the agency mail the information required by subsection (2)(a) of this section to the postal mailing address with a reference to the website where electronic copies of the proposed rule and other information required by subsection (2) of this section are posted.
(C) The person may request that the agency electronically mail the information required by subsection (2)(a) of this section to the electronic mailing address, and either provide electronic copies of the proposed rule and other information required by subsection (2) of this section or provide a reference to a website where electronic copies of the proposed rule and other information required by subsection (2) of this section are posted.
(c) Upon receipt of any request under this subsection, the agency shall acknowledge the request, establish a mailing list and maintain a record of all mailings made pursuant to the request. Agencies may establish procedures for establishing the mailing lists and keeping the mailing lists current. Agencies by rule may establish fees necessary to defray the costs of mailings and maintenance of the lists.
From: ROICK Tom
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2013 8:36 AM
Subject: RE: iLinc capabilities & test drive
Took me a while to find, but the meeting forms are at : http://deq05/intranet/communication/publicinvolvement/signs.htm
The “comment registration form” asks for name, affiliation, email address, and approximate number of minutes to comment.
The “comment registration card” asks for name, address, email and any written comments if not making comments at the hearing.
For someone to comment by iLinc I expect we should ask for name, affiliation, address, and email.
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2013 4:47 PM
Subject: FW: iLinc capabilities & test drive
See Christies’ response below. Summary is she thinks iLinc is reliable enough and we can use the chat area to help us out. We can discuss this more tomorrow during our call. bb
Bob Barrows | Waste Policy Coordinator
Dept. of Environmental Quality
165 E. 7th Ave., Eugene, OR 97401 |
( 541.687.7354 | 800.844.8467 x7354 (in Oregon)
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2013 4:45 PM
To: NUTTALL Christie
Subject: RE: iLinc capabilities & test drive
Thanks Christie. I think having people that want to testify use the chat area to give us that information is a good idea. Name, general comment area and time. We can ask iLink folks one more time before we start if they haven’t signed up to please do so. Thanks for getting us the iLink test. bb
Bob Barrows | Waste Policy Coordinator
Dept. of Environmental Quality
165 E. 7th Ave., Eugene, OR 97401 |
( 541.687.7354 | 800.844.8467 x7354 (in Oregon)
From: NUTTALL Christie
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2013 4:16 PM
Subject: RE: iLinc capabilities & test drive
I will do my best to set up a test . Details later.
Folks can send us messages in the chat area.
So chat works, but if a person simply asks a verbal question over the phone we’ll have to write it down.
Regarding the reliability of iLinc – I think it is reliable – but there have been times when this Expert is very puzzled at what is going on.
[Frankly I hope no one turns out for the hearing but if they do I think we’ve got it covered.]
I have a sign in sheet for those that come in person.
I think we are supposed to have paper for people to complete if they want to testify: Name : general area of comment : time needed. I can’t find a format for this. Is it no longer necessary? If people on the phone want to testify we could ask them these things and have them submit this information in same order in the Chat Area. PLEASE LET ME KNOW.
We must take care to get First and Last names of everyone.
I’ll get back to you tomorrow about the iLinc test.
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2013 3:44 PM
To: NUTTALL Christie
Subject: iLink capabilities & test drive
Hi Christie,
Topic 1: Could you schedule an iLink test drive session for either tomorrow afternoon (1/10) @ 3PM for our CT Rule Team meeting (I realize there may not be time to schedule this), or for Monday afternoon at 2 PM? We want to try it out to try the capabilities, etc.
Topic 2: We are considering allowing folks on iLink to testify during the public hearing. Question to you since you are the expert with iLink. Can folks on iLink send us text messages to let us know that they want to testify? Is the voice option reliable enough that iLink folks could both verbally alert us that they want to testify and also reliable enough that they would be able to complete their verbal testimony?
Thanks for your thoughts. bb
Bob Barrows | Waste Policy Coordinator
Dept. of Environmental Quality
165 E. 7th Ave., Eugene, OR 97401 |
( 541.687.7354 | 800.844.8467 x7354 (in Oregon)